Welcome to our new portal
After months of development and drinking more coffee than we are willing to admit - we are finally ready to launch new Prodos Games website. This time we are focusing more on communication and building platform for our community that will extend beyond corporate webpage.
New website is using new forums. They are simpler in usage than older one, yet equally powerful for users to exchange opinions and discuss. Users who are part of Prodos Team or community moderators will be properly marked. This will be further extended in the future, with badges and achievements for those of you, who for example participate in our competitions or leagues.
We have used same categories for content on forum like on the older version, let us know if you wish to have them adjusted to your needs. Old forums are still online in read-only state, we are not shutting them down completely, since they are vital part of Prodos and its community history.
We have also created subpages for our portal dedicated to games we are publishing. Each of them is addressed to new players to help them learn about our games and what's they are all about. They are not very complex, but if you wish to see something more or implement some changes = we are always open for feedback.
We have also improved our contact forms. Now you can contact with specific departments of Prodos Games just by using various contact forms.
We are hoping that you will like results of our work and find new platform more usable than previous one. Let us know in comments or on community forums what you would like to see changed and adjusted to your needs.
Congrats on the new website!
Congrats on the new website! I do hope that Prodos will be more diligent in it's use than it's previous effort.