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2.0 rules alien force list typo

soulsick1988's picture

There is a typo on alien force list on the page 55 regarding the Facehugger - the whole line is the same as the rules for the Stalker - what are the real rules for Facehugger?


Bogend's picture

Is it this bit you were after?
Facehug (P) – Models hit in Close Combat must pass a Con
Test instead of an Armour Test, or lose one Wound. For
each Model removed from play by the Facehug (P) Special
Skill, the Alien player may instantly place one of his own
Alien Faction Models as long as the appropriate Model is
available. Models deployed in such a way are placed on
any, not Engaged, Infected Tile and count as having been
Activated for this Game Turn. After successfully removing
any Model from play by the means of Facehug (P), remove
the Facehugger Model as a casualty.

soulsick1988's picture

no, i mean the troops options in advanced rules on how to make a points list it goes like that in the rulebook:

2. Alien Stalkers (6 pts each) You may include Stalkers up
to half the total number of Infant Warrior and Warrior
Models in your Force, rounding fractions up.
3. Alien Facehuggers (4 pts each) You may include
Stalkers up to half the total number of Infant Warrior
and Warrior Models in your Force, rounding
fractions up.

This is clearly a typo as the two are the exact same text

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