Miniatures are made and rules are ready for download
Prodos Games is happy to announce that announced few weeks ago Warzone new releases are out! You can buy them at your local store (if it doesn't stock Warzone, they can contact us at contact(at)prodosgames.com) or from our online store. Without furether redo, let us present to you actual resin miniatures. All rules and cards are available in our downloads section.
Imperial Fenris Bikes
Stat cards are here.
Brotherhood Visionaries
Stat cards are here.
Cybetronic Vince Diamond
Stat cards are here.
Have fun with new units!
Stats cards don't show how
Stats cards don't show how much each model costs for building a list...
Fenris Bike:
It seems like some models can "catch a ride". But there's no rules pertaining to that on the card.
Vince Diamond:
Typo to be corrected:
"About Those test results" should be : " About those Test Results..."
Else, can't wait to try these in a game.
Visionaries seem devastating in CC.