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Alien_Warrior6's picture

Dude, she is really gorgeous! Great idea and outstanding work!

Alien_Warrior6's picture

Almost like Tequilla in the video game AvP 2010. ;)

Freefallrlc's picture

Almost like Tequilla in the video game AvP 2010. ;)

Thanks :)
Like the also amazing converted Neca figure, she inspired me :)

Freefallrlc's picture

Mayve some are interested about the conversion itself. The mini is the normal motion Tracker Marine from Prodos. But I didn´t wanted to only make the sex change ^^ but also not have the exact same figure body. So I also changed it a bit.
I removed the head and had to carve the hole, collar and a bit of the armor´s collar and shoulder pice.
Removed the knife from the leg, the satchel on the chest and the large satchel on the left side hip. like this the body already looks kinda different from the original mini.
Removed the motion Tracker and cut away some from the arms to make them more slim. The original arms would have been a bit too big and muscular for a female.
The head is from Statuesque Miniatures. Pulp size female heads. I also got the fine scale ones and was unsure which size to use. The pulp are slightly too large, the fine scale slightly too small. So I decided on the pulp size. Looks fine and easier to paint than a smaller one ^^

PredatorYoungBlood's picture

very cool would love to have one myself ^w^

Jeekay's picture

I would love to have ANYTHING (but KS-backers are not important to prodos).

PredatorYoungBlood's picture

um I'm a backer and got stuff

Thunderjack88's picture

That is a nice touch to mix up the Marines.

Ive just ordered some more as my marine forces were lacking on the KS choices and ive now been sent a you pledge has been partially sent email (God knows how or when that is turning up but its on its way!)
So I will have Dutch & 10 marines on the way.

Any chance of a side by side next to a male marine, im interested to see the head size difference as it looks great. (love the skin tone)
-Lumberjack1988 (I HAVE RETURNED)

Freefallrlc's picture

Sure. Here is a side by side pic.
The heads are available in 2 scales. The pulp scale (this one) is slightly too large while the fine scale is about the same too small. I decided for the larger one. Still looks fine I think.
Considering the male marine is looking down and the helmet; I think it's ok.




Thunderjack88's picture

Awesome thanks for the comparison. The Pulp one seems fine the hair style disguises the fact it's a little bigger. Great choice I'll be picking these up for my second marine Squad so I can diversify them a bit.

Freefallrlc's picture

I guess it also depends a bit on the hair color. Dark hair makes the head look a bit smaller than blonde. My next conversion I will try a blonde. Let's see.

SGTperryUSMC's picture

I dig it man! that bit - is it resin or metal?


Freefallrlc's picture

The other head is metal

Freefallrlc's picture

By the way, while working on the next model yesterday, I tried both head scales pulp and fine. But the fine scale looks too small. Pulp it is

Thunderjack88's picture

That's good to know I look forward to seeing the blonde model once finished.

ridlixcot's picture

It's amazing!

Congratulations from spain!

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