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User's comments

Commented on: AvP September Releases
Mycha's picture

I hoped for something from new Predator movie, yep some people didn't like it but new Predator tribe and thier design should be consider as great addition to the whole lore.
But let's talk about new design for hellhounds, as lover of unicast I'm happy of new unicast but I'm a little bit concerned with their look. Yep they look much more heavier and stable, but also much more comic book like and not in good way. I feel that this may change a little bit a tone of the game, especially that You already released new USCM with such comedic look, a unicast officer also had such a look but I've considered it as acceptable in badass way, please don't go with this style too much.
I'm happy that I can sell my organs and have another great minis from You, have a good day and please reconsider Your designe style.

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