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Commented on: New Release (May)
altasmurf's picture

The Visionaries seem like a fun unit, but they're a high point cost for low armour which is a risky thing. They would be fun though. Vince seems pretty straight forward, a nice alternative Warlord for cybertronic. I'm not a big fan of the Fenris bikes both in looks and on paper, but i'm sure that a fenris army would find them to be a great support unit alongside necromowers.

altasmurf's picture

Thanks for posting this BHBlitzer. Where'd you find it? It looks like a streamlining, which is a good thing. Some thoughts I have on various points.

- Armour change, not really needed IMO but fundamentally doesn't change anything, maybe it's quicker in peoples head.
- Removal of base size special actions. Considering no one ever used them and in fact i think most people just plain forgot about them, so no real loss there.
- Vehicles stated as infantry I'm not a fan of, the current system design wise allows you to create weapons which are only good against vehicles, and not infantry quite easily, or vise versa. But for the sake of simplifying I can understand it.
- I'm intrigued to see how DEF works, personally i was pleased that the game wasn't slowed down by melee, so hopefully that doesn't occur.
- Removal of squad special actions I'm a little sad about, maybe I'm the only guy that used them, but I did, I found them a useful tool for basic infantry to tackle bigger things.
- Changing terrain modifiers and cover to one type I love, no more discussion about what kind of terrain a tree is, I wish more games viewed terrain as simple.
- Removal of ammo type and armour modifiers I love, it's a nitpicky thing that doesn't have a place in Warzone's scale IMHO.
- Free pivot action... BOOURNS. I'd rather reward clever movement to get into rear arcs and punish the out maneuvered party but that's just me.

For the most part it looks like a lot of simplifying and that's what the game needed, so it's looking promising.

diegocom84's picture

Ok, I think that the problem is that I have received a rulebook which is not version 1.6 but a previous one...XD

Commented on: New Release (May)
Assur's picture

The rules for new models are up, what do you think?

Visionnaires seem a unit worth considering, but not a must-have.

Vince is probably the best uniqe Cybertronic warlord, I'd like to see some cards for him.

Fenris bike could be nice as transports for warhounds etc.

altasmurf's picture

The line breakers are under the Martian banshee section in the Capitol forces book. They are essential a squad weapon swap.

As for free marines and sealions, free marines are more of a front line troop while the sea lions sit back with 28" range strength 13 guns with their sniper special rule picking off troops.

Thunderjack88's picture

She looks the part, pose matches the facial expression really well. Another great job.


Commented on: Dropship V2?
Thunderjack88's picture

How did Dakka Dakka get this but the news letter has not shown us this. Looks like they decided to go with the look it has in the film like the licence gives them the ability to do rather than wierdly make up their own version so that's good.

Freefallrlc's picture

OK, here are a few pics of the finished miniature. Took me a while because the last couple days I barely had time.
In the end I still changed her hair color. The blonde somehow looked too bright on the overall dark model. Even after toning it down a bit.
But whatever, I prefer brunettes anyways haha

 photo fem2_zpsya2bhjvs.jpg

 photo fem3_zpsert2bf3p.jpg

 photo fem1_zpsz2puryya.jpg

 photo fem4_zps6domi6df.jpg

 photo fem5_zps5zk4pusu.jpg

Commented on: Dropship V2?
Freefallrlc's picture

How did Dallas Dallas get this but the news letter has not shown us this. Looks like they decided to go with the look it has in the film like the licence gives them the ability to do rather than wierdly make up their own version so that's good.

I'm not sure if this is even real. Without any official feedback and presence from Prodos in the forum, can only speculate.


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