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Good Girls VS Bad Girls (WIP)

Kriegspiel's picture

or maybe Bad Girls VS very bad girls.
Anyway, I chose white undercoat for the Crusaders & black for the Maras.
[url=]IMAGE([/url] [url=]IMAGE([/url]
The first ones will have pinky skin while for the second I will try to desaturate the flesh paint for a gothic girl like look.


Kriegspiel's picture

See closer look for the girl I assume to be the leader and the rocket launcher servant

and the whole squad of Crusaders & Maras
[url=]IMAGE([/url] [url=]IMAGE([/url]

[url=]IMAGE([/url] [url=]IMAGE([/url]

As you can see there are 2 "official" maras poses where the rifle is hold with 2 hands that are NOT available by default.
To reproduce them, you HAVE TO cut the arms to make the conversions..

You can also notice that for one of them (the lowest right Mara) both shoulders received the additional pauldron, while the other one just get the one with the horned skull and not the alternative chaos star.
I chose to put both pauldron on each Mara (some cutting needed) except for the rocket launcher servant while for the Crusader I used only one (the winged sword (?) SAS like one just like the online shop photo)

Here is how Crusaders look like after skin & weapon painting
and same for Maras after skin & horn painting
As you see at this point, Prodos minis have such quality that lazy players could just do an ink wash for crusader & drybrush on Maras then start to play

Kriegspiel's picture

As full white was making the Crusaders looking like "Western Australian Angels" team from the Legend Football League
here is a 1st layer of crimson red & ocre

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