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Commented on: Female Marine
Freefallrlc's picture

I guess it also depends a bit on the hair color. Dark hair makes the head look a bit smaller than blonde. My next conversion I will try a blonde. Let's see.

Commented on: Female Marine
Thunderjack88's picture

Awesome thanks for the comparison. The Pulp one seems fine the hair style disguises the fact it's a little bigger. Great choice I'll be picking these up for my second marine Squad so I can diversify them a bit.

Freefallrlc's picture

Very nice and good paint job again.
The APC looks great. Just too bad it's not 100% movie accurate.
Hope Prodos if the licence lasts longer enough and they still make a APC will be better than the messed up Dropship.
I think the Halcyon APC, even if slightly too large, would also fit still

Freefallrlc's picture

I think the Aliens are fine and quicker painted with airbrush. But the many details on the Marines and Predators require getting done by brush.
Post some pics when done! :)
About the bases, I made my own, before knowing about the very fitting secret weapon bases. Which also perfectly fit the new Facehuggers. Now it's too late haha

Commented on: Female Marine
Freefallrlc's picture

Sure. Here is a side by side pic.
The heads are available in 2 scales. The pulp scale (this one) is slightly too large while the fine scale is about the same too small. I decided for the larger one. Still looks fine I think.
Considering the male marine is looking down and the helmet; I think it's ok.




PredatorYoungBlood's picture

oooh sweeet it fits right in

Bulldoguk's picture

Can't find the new forum rules so if I am not supposed to post this here, well, just slap my wrists and delete it ;) let's be honest though I am going to buy the Prodos version when it comes out anyhow, have the gunship on pre-order!

Finally painted up the Khurasan Miniatures APC, only been sat in the box for about 2 years I think! End of the day knocked it together in a morning so no time wasted there! Anyhow, makes a fine stand-in until Prodos bring out an official model and even then it will make a good alternative variant when the tabletop rules are released :)


PredatorYoungBlood's picture

hey Lumberjack. Still quite a bit of drama as far as Prodos and its backers. Got my KS awhile back and have been enjoying it quite a bit though im still missing items. I was told the rest would be sent to me as it comes out to markets.

Commented on: Female Marine
PredatorYoungBlood's picture

um I'm a backer and got stuff

Commented on: Female Marine
Thunderjack88's picture

That is a nice touch to mix up the Marines.

Ive just ordered some more as my marine forces were lacking on the KS choices and ive now been sent a you pledge has been partially sent email (God knows how or when that is turning up but its on its way!)
So I will have Dutch & 10 marines on the way.

Any chance of a side by side next to a male marine, im interested to see the head size difference as it looks great. (love the skin tone)
-Lumberjack1988 (I HAVE RETURNED)


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