Now you can be a game designer!
Prodos Games is happy to announce its first community contest. The participants will need to create the context for a new mission, which our Rules Design team will then review. The team will select a mission according to many factors (such as creativity, originality etc.) and will then modify it to ensure balance in accordance to the THB mechanics. The winning entry will be released through the official Prodos channels, as an official THB mission available for download for free! The winning entry will receive 100 GBP voucher as an award, while 3 of the runner-ups will get 40 GBP vouchers. All of those are to be used in our webstore.
If you wish to participate, you should design your mission according to the following guidelines before 14th of May 2018:
- Include a paragraph aimed at the Rules Design Team, explaining the main point of the mission.
- Include an intro paragraph “in character”, relevant to the mission
- Include at least two objectives for each of the three factions, “in character”
- Suggest a name for the mission. The mission name should be relevant to the intro paragraph or the objectives.
• Include a board game map to fit your mission
• Include suggested starting forces
The Rules Design team wishes to all of you good luck!
Send us your ideas to
The perverted Alien
The perverted Alien characters allow for a wide variety of "adult"
scenarios as can be seen in many 3d artworks around the web ... .