Few weeks ago we have proposed a contest.
In recent AvP Release we had a bonus miniature for you - Chester The Cat. A lovely, furry addition to AvP. Not as regular "unit" per se, but as a collectible miniature. We also announced a little contest regarding our friend. It was about designing mission/gamemode that will utilize Chester. And your response was overwhelming. We have receivied a number of ideas and our Game Design crew have selected the winners.
- 1st place Henrik Dudaczy for "Cat Roulette" idea and story. Award is 100 GBP voucher on our online store.
- 2nd place Sebastian Lamch for "Cat and mouse" idea and story. Award is 50 GBP voucher on our online store.
Honorable mentions:
- Cris T for "Cat’s Collar Backup". Award is 30 GBP voucher on our online store.
- Miłosz S for "Chesta tha Cat". Award is 30 GBP voucher on our online store.
We will contact with you via e-mails in next 48 hours tops. Meanwhile, "The Cat Begins" is available to download from our website:
AVP The Cat Begins Gamemode
AvP: The Cat Begins is a new 4-player Game Mode, allowing one player to control Chester the Cat,
while the others compete to capture him. While Chester runs around the ship, partly to reveal
secrets and partly due to the confusion and chaos created by the blaring alarms, each Faction
chases him to either rescue the asset, claim a unique trophy or simply because that’s what they do.
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