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AvP...the painting begins

Bulldoguk's picture

Figured I better make a start on my AvP stuff!
Couple of days work and all the Aliens and Yutani commandos are done, quick airbrush then picked out a few details with the hairy stick. Never been a gloss finish man myself but felt that something on these Little fellas had to take on the classic shiny look so I compromised and glossed the heads, quite a funky look, pleased with it



Bulldoguk's picture

Preds all finished, guess I sit and twiddle my thumbs until wave 3 now! Although I do have an APC tucked away somewhere and I'm thinking an egg sack for the queen might be a fun project!


Bulldoguk's picture

In reply to your question on the old forum mate, regarding the blue dredds, pretty sure one of my old hot toys preds had blue dredds, might have the dude with the flintlock from pred 2, makes a nice change from the usual. It also makes it really easy to distinguish models when playing with more than 2 players :)

Freefallrlc's picture

And why shouldn´t Predators be able to dye their hair haha

Alien_Warrior6's picture

They look great! I love it.

Chronomancer's picture

Lovely man :)

Bulldoguk's picture

Finished the Queen set piece for AvP, sculpted the egg sack and a little plastic card and milliput and jobs a good 'un! Added some re-casts of the eggs (personal use only) as they look cool and can be used in scenarios. Queen simply parks her bony butt up against the egg sack and can be removed to leg it down the corridors after those pesky marines when they nail all her cute little babies, evil B&stards that they are! Sure I saw a McFarlane or similar vignette sometime in the past which inspired this


nogarth's picture

looks awesome i still have my box set unopened. waiting on all the addons to arrive before i start anything. could be some time before that happens tho :S

Freefallrlc's picture

looks awesome i still have my box set unopened. waiting on all the addons to arrive before i start anything. could be some time before that happens tho :S

Why wait? The longer it will take with painting everything

Freefallrlc's picture

Amazing work and nice paint job on the egg sack too. Very nice!

Alien_Warrior6's picture

This all is most impressive, indeed!

PredatorYoungBlood's picture

very awesome work mate good way to see that time used ^^

Bulldoguk's picture

Can't find the new forum rules so if I am not supposed to post this here, well, just slap my wrists and delete it ;) let's be honest though I am going to buy the Prodos version when it comes out anyhow, have the gunship on pre-order!

Finally painted up the Khurasan Miniatures APC, only been sat in the box for about 2 years I think! End of the day knocked it together in a morning so no time wasted there! Anyhow, makes a fine stand-in until Prodos bring out an official model and even then it will make a good alternative variant when the tabletop rules are released :)


PredatorYoungBlood's picture

oooh sweeet it fits right in

Freefallrlc's picture

Very nice and good paint job again.
The APC looks great. Just too bad it's not 100% movie accurate.
Hope Prodos if the licence lasts longer enough and they still make a APC will be better than the messed up Dropship.
I think the Halcyon APC, even if slightly too large, would also fit still

Thunderjack88's picture

Some great work there, the egg laying Queen looks awesome if not just for displaying your hive scenically.

BrotherJim's picture

There's also the Aliens Cinemachines from NECA. The M557 APC that comes by itself instead of being included with the dropship is approximately 6.25in(15.8cm) long, the back of the box gives the "real" APC a length of 8.58m with the turret raised. According to my calculations that makes it 1/54 scale.

Freefallrlc's picture

There's also the Aliens Cinemachines from NECA. The M557 APC that comes by itself instead of being included with the dropship is approximately 6.25in(15.8cm) long, the back of the box gives the "real" APC a length of 8.58m with the turret raised. According to my calculations that makes it 1/54 scale.

I didn't see them in real yet. But I saw some reviews that said that they are unfortunately not really well painted and could be better detailed.
And the scales doesn't fit the Prodos minis. Both too small. The Halcyon APC is too large, but still closer.

Bulldoguk's picture

I have one coming, doesn't actually seem that much smaller than the khakis an model so we'll see, stock paint job doesn't bother me as I will be re painting and let's be honest the original vehicle isn't really brimming with detail!

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