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I still haven't received my PLEDGE!!!!

Aheldt's picture

I had Pledged for the AVP KS and I have sent many contact prodos games Questions all with not as much as a single response. I am Very angry by this what can i do to get my product i ordered????


Bogend's picture

Firstly, and I am not trying to be confrontational here, you backed a kick starter not ordered a product which is entirely different. Secondly are you a member of the Kickstarter facebook group, if not I suggest that you join it and you will find much useful information there. In brief the Kickstarter items are being sent out, however Prodos have said that they will group all the items into one package. That means that if you have in your pledge items that have yet to be approved by Fox or haven't yet been made they will not send out any remaining ks items. At the minute the cloaked predators, resin terrain, alternate marines have yet to be released. The war game rule book is due for release on the 17th of March.
There are a couple of ways to get any outstanding items, these are to collect from a show where Prodos are in attendance, or you can make an order via the Prodos games website. If you make a comment on the order they will send any outstanding items that are available with your order.
Hope this helps.

dophin26's picture

Firstly, and I am not trying to be confrontational here, you backed a kick starter not ordered a product which is entirely different.

C'mon, you can't possibly believe that. Sure, that was the original intent of Kickstarter, but we all know what it has become.

Bogend's picture

You do not get the same legal protection with crowd funding as with either a retail or mail order purchase. (It doesn't matter what I believe or not it is not the same as ordering a product or we would get the same protection. ) That is until someone gets a legal ruling in their favour gaining additional consumer protection from either the crowd funding site or the project admins. Which I am very much in favour of.
As to what crowd funding sites have become if you believe that they are an online preorder, that is not actually what they are, although I agree many companies appear to use them that way, rightly or wrongly.
Again not trying to be confrontational just stating facts.

irish1983's picture

Yet another pesron who can press an "I agree" button, but not be bothered to read what they are agreeing to. Yet finds the time to track down a forum, register, then post that they cant be bothered to read anyhting they agree to. I hope this one atleast thanks you Bogend.

(Because I am super sick and have no patience):

I wonder if kick starter will ever require a test to see if a person who wants to back a project can stand up in a two foot pool. The ones who can stand on their own two feet get to proceed while the ones who flail around and almost drown get politely told "this seems to complicated for you; but you can go play in the sand box if you'd like,...but try to not eat the sand ok?"

Aheldt's picture

Hey Irish1983, that fact that you are completely rude and inconsiderate proves a point to everyone " I'm a jackass who can't bother to offer help" maybe if you were reading what I wrote originally you might be more engaging in a constructive conversation. I have emailed more than 15 times and no answer I have even called and left messages with no answers. The fact that you state I didn't read the required documentation regarding a Kickstarter is completely incorrect. I also got concerned when I hear a second wave of rules are incoming and see products have been out for some time now, but hey I'll just play and in the "sandbox" while I hope you and people like you with one less chromosome try toevolve and learn to respect people, and if you can't get off my forum post.

irish1983's picture

HAHA ok you want help? Here you go:

1. Typing "PLEDGE!!!!" in your posts topic makes you look petulanet.
2. Try being polite and use complete sentences not "I have sent many contact prodos games".
3. If your not gonna take the time to be thoughtful and provide "real" information then your being rude (expect it in kind). This is not a Prodos Q&A forum "dude". The people who generaly post here don't work for Prodos.
4. If you wanted a response from Prodos themselves maybe try not being an ass in your leading statement?
5. I am not assuming anything, you have failed to either comprehend what you agreed to or honestly never bothered to even read what you agreed. I base this soley on the limited text you yourself have provided in your OP. Its contains statements and assumptions that are false.
6. If you dont want "people who can stand up in the two foot pool" to poke fun at you for not being able to get "your product you ordered" after literally years. Then take a breathe make sure your atleast wearing your life vest (because you do need help), and try looking at what you posted from someone elses perspective.
7. Try this: "Hey I am trying to collect my pledge for AVP. I havent gotten anything from my pledge and I would like to know if anyone can help me with info on how they got their stuff please? I have tried (the email you sent "15 times" to), and havent gotten a response. Thanks in advance.

dophin26's picture

You ruined points one and two with the "your" in point three. I'll let the "gonna" go. You also used "your" incorrectly the second time, so I quit reading after point three.

You're = you are.


irish1983's picture

You ruined points one and two with the "your" in point three. I'll let the "gonna" go. You also used "your" incorrectly the second time, so I quit reading after point three.

You're = you are.



phoenixman's picture

christ is this still going on.

i picked up the game almost 2 years ago in a wargame shop and some people STILL don't have their KS stuff

if that's true it's bloody scandalous and people having a go at someone who is rightly pissed off with having paid out money and not got anything is IMHO bang out of order as well

if the explanation above is true re Prodos won't send stuff if your pledge includes bits still waiting for a licence then that's just smoke and mirror bullshit that people hide behind so they don't supply backers

i see shops are still getting and selling core game boxes though

come on Prodos answer the persons emails and sort this shit out once and for all. perhaps this is why i can't remeber seeing another Prodos KS since AvP, as no-one would touch it with the proverbial shitty stick, i know i wouldn't

irish1983's picture

christ is this still going on.

i picked up the game almost 2 years ago in a wargame shop and some people STILL don't have their KS stuff

if that's true it's bloody scandalous and people having a go at someone who is rightly pissed off with having paid out money and not got anything is IMHO bang out of order as well

if the explanation above is true re Prodos won't send stuff if your pledge includes bits still waiting for a licence then that's just smoke and mirror bullshit that people hide behind so they don't supply backers

i see shops are still getting and selling core game boxes though

come on Prodos answer the persons emails and sort this shit out once and for all. perhaps this is why i can't remeber seeing another Prodos KS since AvP, as no-one would touch it with the proverbial shitty stick, i know i wouldn't

Why cant people read and comprehend? I just dont get it. You can get to be upset about somtheing you legaly agreed to, but your gonna look like a fool when you bitch about it. "Smoke and mirros", PLEASE.... If you sign an agreement that says I will receive "X" items when "x" items have been LEGALLY made available (As in Fox says cool, and the material "X" was being made out of isn't suddenly banned in the UK) then dont whine when they arent "LEGALLY" available.

Your like the people in the South Park human cent-ipad episode. "NOOOO WHY CAN'T IT READ".

There are soooo many ways to get your KS stuff, but you have to not be a human cent-ipad. fricken read and ask questions (try politely). Dont assume and bitch. Dont flail your head at the key board and expect mercy. No one likes you when your a bitchy flailing human cent-ipad.

phoenixman's picture

Irish... YOU are the one missing the point here and that's people haven't got stuff they have PAID for 3 years ago and now they are releasing v2 before some have got anything from v1

If stuff hasn't been released yet that's a different matter but not getting anything from the original KS is bang out of order

Tell us, were you a backer and have you had your stuff?

irish1983's picture

Irish... YOU are the one missing the point here and that's people haven't got stuff they have PAID for 3 years ago and now they are releasing v2 before some have got anything from v1

If stuff hasn't been released yet that's a different matter but not getting anything from the original KS is bang out of order

Tell us, were you a backer and have you had your stuff?

I swear your like chicken little running into each forum post you can find and waving your arms around. That is not going to pay off for you. Yeah I have a lot kick starter stuff minus the "cloaked" preds that are not in production (with the whole UK baning the resin they were going to use). I didnt go "full hog" in the KS, but I have at this moment over three base sets plus 12 booster boxes worth of stuff (with the 2.0 preordered).

I have only had Prodos screw up a single box for me and although they did not respond to my missing pieces form I got my parts in under month. My buddy who did go for the $300.00 plus madness has ALL OF HIS STUFF minus the not in production miniatures (Dont know if he did the terrain thing). I can send you a pic of the horde of bugs I have if youd wish. Probably wouldnt stop you from continuing to be unproductive in getting your stuff (If your straight up not a troll that is, honestly hope your just temporarily so frustrated you cant find all the forms and emails etc to use to help yourself). If you really did KS AVP and just lost all your info and hence dropped the ball I feel for you.

phoenixman's picture

Oh Irish, you do make me laugh,

you accuse me of running round like chicken little, when on some of the entries i have actually followed YOU on those threads as a poster, having a go at earlier entries from people, then you go on to say you have most of your stuff apart from the cloaked preds and your friend has ALL his stuff, yet you seem to be unsympathetic to those that after 3 LONG TORTUROUS YEARS they have NOTHING, NARDA, ZIP.

i bought the game in my local gaming store and then looked up the Prodos site to see if i wanted to get more stuff. when i saw the posts on the forum, which by the way was the old one not this new shiny site, i read that although i got the game 'retail' a lot of people had got nothing except broken promises and non deliveries. i then saw like a lot of others on another post that Prodos had stuck a picture of themselves having a 'well earned' xmas lunch at their premises, which again didn't go down to well with those people who had still to receive their PAID FOR pledges.

all the backers got from Prodos that xmas was a dose of very cold turkey...

no wonder Prodos took the old site down, bet it was embaressing for them and no wonder they aren't using KS anymore (or not that i've seen) as not many will touch them after this debacle

the backers then learnt that the reason it went to retail was apparently due to a 'miscalculation' of carriage costs to send KS pledges and the only way to fund further deliveries to KS backers was sell 'their' KS games as retail to get more money in, so in effect selling the game twice.

call me old fashioned if i think that's wrong, but surely taking something someone has paid for and then selling it elsewhere instead of sending it to someone who has handed over money for that item is in my opinion down right despicable.

after i bought my game i learnt that one of my gaming friends was caught up in this sorry mess, which is why i feel so strongly about it, and i think he may even still be waiting for quite a bit to arrive, unlike you and your friend.

now you say you have pre-ordered v2 and seem happy to share that, yet seem to have no empathy for those backers who have not a single mini to their name yet. i really hope you do get your pre-order but i still say it is wrong to sell v2 before all the KS backers have at least the v1 core game, which clearly isn't the case reading posts on this forum.

earlier you were called rude, i just think you are being unsympathetic and do not empathise with fellow gamers, as you clearly state they didn't respond to your missing pieces form but got them in under a month, trying thinking less about a few missing pieces for a month and try and imagine not getting a single thing for 3 years...

irish1983's picture

I didnt really read the whole thing (why would I). After 3 years of "torture" your just a masochistt with an axe to grind. I reply to thread posts from people who want their KS but have failed to aquire it in the hopes that they get it; and then move on or become a productive member of the forums.

phoenixman's picture

really, is that what you do.

from your posts here you seem to be telling people to 'get over it' and move on, which is rich coming from someone who has 99% of their stuff and as one poster said, being rude with it.

what you should be doing is empathising with those that have nothing. if you can't do that, please don't post anymore.

Shinnentai's picture

Agreed - I recall from his postings a couple of months ago that irish1983 places the blame for anyone not having our pledges yet entirely at the door of the backers. If we're not incompetent in filling out the pledge manager then we're trolls or liars. If we're not either of those then clearly we haven't been pro-active enough in contacting Prodos (because apparently they can't be trusted to send the pledges without our continued prompting).

Afterall, everyone *he* knows has their stuff, so Prodos can't possibly have ignored anyone else, can they? Never mind the Facebook updates from Jarek where he's admitted that pledges are still being sent out.

Really reminds me of that Brandon Leigh guy who comments on Prodos' Facebook page - always blaming the KS backers for not contacting Prodos, but never actually giving an e-mail address that actually produces a response!

Personally I'm waiting for Prodos to finally finish production on the cloaked predators before attempting to contact them by e-mail, so that I can get my whole pledge in one go.

irish1983's picture

Agreed - I recall from his postings a couple of months ago that irish1983 places the blame for anyone not having our pledges yet entirely at the door of the backers. If we're not incompetent in filling out the pledge manager then we're trolls or liars. If we're not either of those then clearly we haven't been pro-active enough in contacting Prodos (because apparently they can't be trusted to send the pledges without our continued prompting).

Afterall, everyone *he* knows has their stuff, so Prodos can't possibly have ignored anyone else, can they? Never mind the Facebook updates from Jarek where he's admitted that pledges are still being sent out.

Really reminds me of that Brandon Leigh guy who comments on Prodos' Facebook page - always blaming the KS backers for not contacting Prodos, but never actually giving an e-mail address that actually produces a response!

Personally I'm waiting for Prodos to finally finish production on the cloaked predators before attempting to contact them by e-mail, so that I can get my whole pledge in one go.

Here we go...

This forum is not a customer service venue. People helping here are volunteering time and have no affiliation with PRODOS. If you want someone with the ability to directly help you with a response or PM then the OP and anyone like him/her should take the time to think about what would actually get them results (instead of derision).

Someone. Anyone. Please show me when I state that "all KS issues are squarely the fault of backers and that no blame can be placed on PRODOS"? That statement never happened. Your floundering and trying to misdirect.

If the OP isn't a liar then they just have really crappy etiquette, and for some reason think that throwing a tantrum and not providing any kind of constructive input or actual information not even in a customer service or help section will help them solve their issues.

Shin, why would Jarek's announcement that they are still sending out KS pledges be odd? Or in the context of your statement implications of wrong doing? If there are backers who haven't specifically asked for part of their pledge early (via the proper way of doing that, like maybe asking on the private KS backer FB page you can join if your not a troll/liar) then quite a few backers will need to wait (as you are) for the rest of the AVP miniatures and scenery to be put into production (which is what ALL of us agreed to 3 years ago).

That said, "I obviously believe that the vast majority of people at this point who post like phoenixman and Aheldt are to blame for their inability to acquire their "paid for product" (Again, not what they agreed to if they are infact even real backers/buyers). They have not bothered to show that they are (Again please show me when this happened if it did infact occur).

I ask/asked everyone I have ever meet at a game store, a convention, a product display, etc if they play PRODOS games and if they backed AVP (I did not canvas the building I asked them if they had models, or looked at the models, and I or they where not playing a game already). I asked because I like being an informed consumer, and if the rumors that PRODOS isnt delivering on their end of KS deals was actually true. Then that would directly effect if I myself would support them and their products. Which I would not if I found that to be true. No one to date has “shown me that PRODOS is abandoning backers or buyers”.

As it turns out I was nervous when I myself had an issue with an order. As I have stated before in these forums I did not get a response to my missing product form, but I did get my missing product from them. All I had to do was look up how your supposed to do that, do it, and then wait. If they failed me or any of the people I know who not only backed, bought, and play AVP but also Warzone (which is way more popular here) I wouldn't be spending my time here. I wouldn't even be spending my time doing what some of you are doing (which is basically trying to slander without any substance).

"IF", you have genuinely just been swept under the rug by PRODOS games, then you shouldn't have much of an issue proving that you have been.

phoenixman's picture


so you blame people directly for not getting something, who just like you and your friend handed over good money for PRODOS to send them the items when the KS was ready to ship. that attitude stinks, and it seems you are still firmly in the camp of 'sod you lot, i've got my stuff, so i'm alright'.

it was widely reported PRODOS sent games out to stores instead of KS backers because apparently they made an error on shipping costs, how long does this need to continue before everyone gets at least the core game, but more importantly, EVERYTHING they paid for UP FRONT.

plus, if you had bothered to read posts properly you will have read i bought my game RETAIL not via KS, but my friend did, who is still waiting for stuff, and a lot more than clear preds by the way.

i am commenting on this because i don't like gamers being ripped off (for want of a better phrase), period, whether myself or anyone else for that matter.

what companies like PRODOS forget is that without customers they are NOTHING. gaming isn't an essential necessity for life, and we spend what money we can afford on luxuries like boardgames and figures, and yes i do see them as a luxury as they don't help me live or exist day to day.

if companies piss off too many customers they simply fold and the people behind them lose their living, as well as the staff they employ, which is not good for anyone concerned and more importantly, their families.

when people spend money on a KS project they are fully aware of the risks, but to not get stuff 3 years on from when they should have, is a bit of a kick in the teeth for those concerned. this isn't me saying the 3 years thing, it's in posts from disgruntled backers, read them again and see what they are saying, and why they are angry

you mention the word 'abandoning' when in relation to backers, but that is exactly how they must feel when people such as yourself go on about what you have, and having to wait a month for missing pieces...

your posts come across as selfish and rude, and you do not help the cause of those that are still without their pledge. the people on here are asking for support, from PRODOS and people like yourself, that's all.

perhaps, instead of having a go at the people on here who want their stuff, why don't you also send an email to PRODOS, and post on threads like this, asking them to sort out other fellow gamers who PRODOS have yet to furnish with their paid for pledge rather than the direction your posts have gone previously.

irish1983's picture


so you blame people directly for not getting something, who just like you and your friend handed over good money for PRODOS to send them the items when the KS was ready to ship. that attitude stinks, and it seems you are still firmly in the camp of 'sod you lot, i've got my stuff, so i'm alright'.

That is not what im saying at all sorry you read it that way

it was widely reported PRODOS sent games out to stores instead of KS backers because apparently they made an error on shipping costs, how long does this need to continue before everyone gets at least the core game, but more importantly, EVERYTHING they paid for UP FRONT.

What? Widely reported? Show me.

plus, if you had bothered to read posts properly you will have read i bought my game RETAIL not via KS, but my friend did, who is still waiting for stuff, and a lot more than clear preds by the way.

No I read your other post in a desperate thread about how you bought yours in a store. Yet you type as though your a disgruntled Backer, and spend a good deal of time posting on backer related issues like you have backed the KS. Which you did not. If your friend is still missing his stuff tell him to join the private Backer FB group. If he has his info It should be easy to find out when he will get his stuff etc. Or he can even make an “order” from this websites online store with a note with his information and he can get his stuff sooner.

i am commenting on this because i don't like gamers being ripped off (for want of a better phrase), period, whether myself or anyone else for that matter.

Neither do I, but you havent shown me thats the case for you being frustrated, in fact you have posted you have your stuff and not said anything regarding any issue you have experienced from PRODOS.

what companies like PRODOS forget is that without customers they are NOTHING. gaming isn't an essential necessity for life, and we spend what money we can afford on luxuries like boardgames and figures, and yes i do see them as a luxury as they don't help me live or exist day to day.

I agree in part, but “you” are in a minority when it comes to your opinion on PRODOS (granted a loud and persistent one). Im nto saying your opinion isnt vaild BTW, im saying show me why your mad. Actually show me. Dont just flood boards with BS like the OP did. You WILL get made fun of for that.

if companies piss off too many customers they simply fold and the people behind them lose their living, as well as the staff they employ, which is not good for anyone concerned and more importantly, their families.

That does not seem to be the case at all with PRODOS. Hell GW is WAY more offeensive not only to it's customers but to its distributors or as they call it “their direct competition”.

when people spend money on a KS project they are fully aware of the risks, but to not get stuff 3 years on from when they should have, is a bit of a kick in the teeth for those concerned. this isn't me saying the 3 years thing, it's in posts from disgruntled backers, read them again and see what they are saying, and why they are angry

I think that perhaps some posters are very much not aware of the risks or their responsibilities in regards to a backer agreement.

you mention the word 'abandoning' when in relation to backers, but that is exactly how they must feel when people such as yourself go on about what you have, and having to wait a month for missing pieces...

your posts come across as selfish and rude, and you do not help the cause of those that are still without their pledge. the people on here are asking for support, from PRODOS and people like yourself, that's all.

Your opinion.

perhaps, instead of having a go at the people on here who want their stuff, why don't you also send an email to PRODOS, and post on threads like this, asking them to sort out other fellow gamers who PRODOS have yet to furnish with their paid for pledge rather than the direction your posts have gone previously.[/quote]

Because your already wasting my time (on occasion this pays off and someone reads, comprehends, does the research/flolows through, and then they get their stuff). What would you have me write? That an anonymous poster with zero manners is publicly demanding something they haven't substantiated in anyway and that upsets me? That they should track down that unreasonable individual who cant bother to even attempt a barely poilte or atleast curt question regarding the potential fuck up that they haven't gotten something?

Have you done this for your friend? Have you taken his information to PRODOS and asked “hey can my friend get some help please? This is his information for the KS with all his relevant Backer info so you know im not some guy wasting your time? He has been waiting for about 3 years and is curious why he hasnt gotten his stuff when others have?

PRODOS isn't malicious dude, but they are human.

EDIT: You know it's funny becasue I have actually helped a friend do this very thing...and YEAH he does have his stuff now. he posted politely on FB and he giot a message from PRODOS to him asking for his informtaion. It's just so simple, you can read anyones posts by clicking on their forum ID. Try to find a polite post asking for help from the OP or even you yourself Phoenixman.

phoenixman's picture

The proof as i said before was on the old site plus take a look on the Beasts of War forums and you'll find a thread on there too with 55 pages of posts from disgruntled people etc.

I didn't say Prodos were malicious but they have been continuously called misleading at best and worse in some posts

Check out page 1 for someone commenting on Prodos selling retail to fund KS backers carriage costs

The latest posts are very recent. Read some and then reflect on them

irish1983's picture

Share the link in your response? I dont know what old site your refering to exactly? Honestly im not trying to piss you off, im just bone tired of all the negativity from posters that wont even bother to get help (As in askng for it instead of making angry statements about stuff they dont bother to back up with anything I or anyone else can actually read or help them with..then going off on paragraphs of writing trying to justify something I dondt even know exists because they dont bother to show me).

If there are a bunch of posters with substance in their posts about how PRODOS has done them wrong im all game to read it. If they are a bunch of posters like the OP then they are trolls flaming. All it takes is someone to post something with substance that I can read and varify and I will not be a dick to them (Otherwise they are asking for it).

Otherwise it's like some random dude in a park saying that "AMAZON doesnt honor its return policy on electronics!!!!!"...and then argueing that becasue people who have returned electronics before are wrong and amazon commonly cheats people who try to return electronics (While also never showing their order anything at all to back their claim).

phoenixman's picture

here you go

read the first few pages then the last few just to get the general gist of the feelings. started almost 2 years ago and STILL people are posting on this, just like here because they have had NOTHING

the old site i am refering to was the old Prodos website and forum where they got hauled over the coals by backers about not getting stuff, games going to retail stores instead of backers, broken promises, failed deliveries, more broken promises, more failed deliveries, 'we've lost you in,our system, so we don't know your're a backer type s**t', broken promises again, smiling staff in xmas lunch pic whilst more broken promises...

do i need to go on or do you get the picture.... wonder why they took the old site down, put up a shiny new one but didn't transfer all the old forum posts over (or not that i see anyway)

the people who HAVE posted here look to me as if they HAVE repeatedly tried to contact PRODOS but with no success. read the first post from Aheldt, they say they have made many attempts to contact prodos with no contact back.

even yourself said you got no reply but got your few bits, well maybe they got no reply and no KS pledge because there wasn't any to send so they just didn't respond. who knows... oh yeah hang on Prodos know, but according to the people with no pledge, they aren't letting in on the secret of where the pledges are after all these years.

christ, you could have ordered the game, committed a crime, gone to jail, come out, and still NOT have anything to play

irish1983's picture

here you go

read the first few pages then the last few just to get the general gist of the feelings. started almost 2 years ago and STILL people are posting on this, just like here because they have had NOTHING

the old site i am refering to was the old Prodos website and forum where they got hauled over the coals by backers about not getting stuff, games going to retail stores instead of backers, broken promises, failed deliveries, more broken promises, more failed deliveries, 'we've lost you in,our system, so we don't know your're a backer type s**t', broken promises again, smiling staff in xmas lunch pic whilst more broken promises...

do i need to go on or do you get the picture.... wonder why they took the old site down, put up a shiny new one but didn't transfer all the old forum posts over (or not that i see anyway)

the people who HAVE posted here look to me as if they HAVE repeatedly tried to contact PRODOS but with no success. read the first post from Aheldt, they say they have made many attempts to contact prodos with no contact back.

even yourself said you got no reply but got your few bits, well maybe they got no reply and no KS pledge because there wasn't any to send so they just didn't respond. who knows... oh yeah hang on Prodos know, but according to the people with no pledge, they aren't letting in on the secret of where the pledges are after all these years.

christ, you could have ordered the game, committed a crime, gone to jail, come out, and still NOT have anything to play

So I read what you suggested and the general feel is that some backers got their stuff, and that others are in a que to be shipped out to. There wasnt much in the way of anyone really providing "proof" when they got really heated (big surprise). That FOX delayed AVP's first production run for about year to begin with (not a big surprise), and that PRODOS probably fucked up on their contract and are required to send to retailers by FOX to maintain their liscense (but not before saying to the backers that they would ship to them after the first batch went to retailers...which doesnt look good).

So PRODOS has been basicaly scrambling to get it out to the backers even after 3 years, but have managed to maintain the games developement and not have their liscense dropped by FOX.

Sounds like they know they messed up/got dealt a crappy dose of business reality by FOX and are trying to honor their backers (recently announced as you say they are still sending). I dont think it's all their fault though, nor that the BoW forumites think it's all their fault (some like you certainly do).

The other side of the coin is people like me who have had a good experience with PRODOS, but thats not everyone in regards to the AVP KS.

Just because I think a lot of people "really" didnt actually read what they agreed to "exactly". Can you tell me what date the KS order your friends pledge says he will recieve his reward?

On the topic of the whole "no reply" thing. I did get a reply. It was in the mail in the form of a box from PRODOS with all my missing parts less than a month from when I informed them of my issue. When my friend who also is a backer found out the second batch pof rewards where going out he talked to PRODOS and he got his like two weeks later. As for other customers I know who had packing erros they all got their missing pieces be they alien bodies or basses in a reasonable amount of time.

It does strike me as odd that your so passionate about this, becasue as you say your not even a backer and have never had PRODOS not give you what you purchased (As you purchased the game in a retail store if I remeber correctly). Did you buy it when it first came out? A year after your friend who is a supposed backer still hadnt gotten his reward? Maybe your that friend and you bought the game in store becasue you were tired of waiting and are mad becasue your actual reward still hasnt made it to you?

Has "your friend" joined the priovate backer FB page yet?

irish1983's picture


Your banned from the FB page for "criticism of PRODOS" (IE not being productive and inflamitory or possibly worse), and now your here becasue you have no other recourse? I read more of the forum posts and this occured to me as a posibility (I did not just skim through them and then dismiss you or your opinion). As another side note "a lot" of the "backers" who are still haivng an issue for the majority of the later half of the topic seem to be just a few people. With the majority being non backers who weigh in.

phoenixman's picture


I don't use FB and have never had a FB account so i cant be banned from something i cant post on, so whoever they have banned it isn't me and if it is what a waste as i don't have FB account.

Would be funny if it wasn't tragic...

My friend got some stuff late last year but is still waiting for more to arrive. I bought retail and no the 'friend' isn't me.

One person on BoW post called Tasker re the Salute Predator reckons they are taking the piss, as backers still waiting.. 'nuff said' methinks

irish1983's picture

Well thats good your not banned and your not a backer. Would have complicated things. I asked because it seemed a common thing for the few posters still saying they didnt get anything (that they got banned).

Is your friend just waiting on the things that arent in production then?

phoenixman's picture

Not sure. Last time we spoke about it he just said he was still waiting for stuff, but to be honest it doesn't matter what any backer is still waiting for as after three years every backer should have everything they paid for and especially as v2 is being pushed out

Just because we are gamers we shouldn't expect any different treatment than any other purchaser of goods

Don't you think it's shitty that if people have a go because they feel pissed at not having their pledges that they then get banned for saying as much

Just shows the sort of people they were dealing with from the start. Glad i missed the KS

irish1983's picture

Not sure. Last time we spoke about it he just said he was still waiting for stuff, but to be honest it doesn't matter what any backer is still waiting for as after three years every backer should have everything they paid for and especially as v2 is being pushed out

Just because we are gamers we shouldn't expect any different treatment than any other purchaser of goods

Don't you think it's shitty that if people have a go because they feel pissed at not having their pledges that they then get banned for saying as much

Just shows the sort of people they were dealing with from the start. Glad i missed the KS

Sort of agree, but if FOX and then the UK cause delays (outside of PRODOS's own delays) then as a backer you shouldnt be blaming PRODOS. Those are production and development issues the KS plainly laid out as possibilities (As a backer I took the risk funding). We didnt really "purchase" anything, and thats why it's hard for me too be as frustrated as you are. I have backed projects where on half the goals got meet, and I am not going to get my money back (backing is investing its not "purchasing" there are no guarantees). I dont blame you for being cool with not having backed the KS as it hasnt been a quick turn around or fully achieved its goals yet.

irish1983's picture

Another example of the risks involved in backing is the REAPER BONES line KS. A company in China was producing all hte models and then they where to be shipped out for distribution by REAPER. The company/ies in China held the models and wanted to renegotiate their contratc "after all the orders were filled and ready to be shipped". REAPER has no control over that happening, and people paid out a ton of money and all their stuff is sitting in containers in China (last I heard). Kick starters are always a risk, and yeah its shitty fi you dont get your stuff, but anyone who does back a project needs to really "read" the agreements and the "risks" section. Business ventures go south sometimes.

phoenixman's picture

i agree if there are issues which Prodos have no control over then these can cause delays, HOWEVER, a LOT of backers seem to have had their stuff which doesn't excuse Prodos in any way re those that haven't.

if there were issues from other companies causing non shipment NO-ONE would have had anything and that is clearly not the case.

so IMHO Prodos don't have a leg to stand on...

irish1983's picture

i agree if there are issues which Prodos have no control over then these can cause delays, HOWEVER, a LOT of backers seem to have had their stuff which doesn't excuse Prodos in any way re those that haven't.

if there were issues from other companies causing non shipment NO-ONE would have had anything and that is clearly not the case.

so IMHO Prodos don't have a leg to stand on...

Fair enough.

Motorhead's picture

just a pathetic moment in a prodos backer life : as they've sent a mail about ESSEN i've asked to send my missing stuffs (cloaked minis and resin tiles)
answer : some of them are my question is simple
if they were available, why didn't they send them to me?
why do i have to ask them to send my stuffs?
why didn't they send me available stuffs?
why the fuck is it so hard to get my pledge if everything was produced?

Gendasi's picture

Bottom line: Prodos are still holding money and product from paying customers. Everyone forgets that Pre-Order customers are people who came in after a successful Kickstarter campaign and made a purchase based on that, as I have done. We were not investors and we were not gambling our money. We were paying for a product to be delivered as advertised. This means complete, as described, and within the timeframe specified.

I am missing products, being told that what I purchased is out of date and I will have to spend more money to get items which were to be included from the beginning, and products I own are not as described (chiefly the sergeant, who is out of scale). None of this is being addressed and communication has been atrocious.

As I am not a Kickstarter Backer, I do not receive notifications about the projects or products Prodos is working on. I instead have to sift through forums and social media, none of which are remotely helpful. When I finally come across relevant information/discussion, it typically comes back as "spend more money to get what is owed to you" or "we don't know."

At this rate, I just want a phone number so that I can actually speak to the individuals who seem to not understand "bait-and-switch is illegal and that is what this is." I don't want to give you more money for a rulebook which was supposed to be in my core game. I do not want to BUY A RULES SET which alters the core game mechanics and stats to the point that rebasing miniatures (or further purchase of miniatures) is required.

I also deeply resent that a European company is offering EXCLUSIVE items to attendees to the conventions which they are at, rather than using those resources to deliver to customers worldwide who are still waiting on their promised goods. I live in the USA and cannot attend anything in any overseas conventions. I can't even afford the conventions in my own country.

Stop pandering for more money, deliver what was promised, make good on the deals still due, and you might regain the business of the customers (not backers/investors) you have driven away.

Oh, and thanks for the apology letter and the coupon for products I don't intend to buy as a consolation prize.

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