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[AVP] Just tried the game, a lot of questions :)

Warker's picture

Hi there !
So ... I have played two times this week end (1 vs 1 vs 1).
150 points : more than 3 hours
250 points : 5 hours !
Was allways searching from a rule :/

Sorry for the mess :

- If a predator is revealed, then move away and lose any LOS, can he become a token again ?
(if allowed, can the marines or aliens do the same ?)
- Can a unit make first a close combat attack then a ranged attack (I assume not)
- activating SENTRY is a 2 points action. But marines have the tactical move which grant them to move twice (?) and activate sentry.
Is that ok ?
- Can a Predator make a trophy with a facehugger Corpse ?
- Can a model use twice the action "activate" in a room in order to achieve the room quickly (I mean : spend 3 activations in the room, can you do it more than 1 time a turn by model ?).
- When a sentry gun achieve is first LOS in a turn, does he have to open fire right now ? If the target is killed and there are shots remaining, can he change target ? Including choosing one on another tile ?
- Does breaking a door activate a sentry gun ?

And a final dumb question :
Can the Aliens win the second mission on 2.0 rules ?
It's nearly impossible to reach the room where you have to spend 3 activations ... either you run and you get caught between Preds and marines ... or you wait for the Preds to move but ... since they onlyl have 1 objective and 4/5 kills to do ... they win ...


Gacu666's picture

- If a predator is revealed, then move away and lose any LOS, can he become a token again ?
Answer: No. When ping is revealed it stays that way. Only special cards can change that and the HIDE ability of alien (on infested corridors only)
- Can a unit make first a close combat attack then a ranged attack (I assume not)
Answer: Yes they can, doesn't matter which 2 actions they do, order is irrevelant.
- activating SENTRY is a 2 points action. But marines have the tactical move which grant them to move twice (?) and activate sentry.
Is that ok ?
Answer: Tactical move is an extended action, it enables the Marines to move one tile and give sentry (whiche enables them to use an action at a later time)
- Can a Predator make a trophy with a facehugger Corpse ?
Answer: Technically yes, but what kind of a measly trophy is that anyway ;)?
- Can a model use twice the action "activate" in a room in order to achieve the room quickly (I mean : spend 3 activations in the room, can you do it more than 1 time a turn by model ?).
Answer: No a model can't use any action twice in it's activation
- When a sentry gun achieve is first LOS in a turn, does he have to open fire right now ? If the target is killed and there are shots remaining, can he change target ? Including choosing one on another tile ?
Answer: Sentry enables a model to choose when to use it's action. It can wait for other models if the player thinks he'll have the chance to kill more. But he can't change targets to different tile if he has "spare" shots. Think of ROA as rate of fire, it just spits out more bullets at a faster rate.
- Does breaking a door activate a sentry gun ?
Answer: I'd say no. Another model activation would.

-Can the Aliens win the second mission on 2.0 rules ?
It's nearly impossible to reach the room where you have to spend 3 activations ... either you run and you get caught between Preds and marines ... or you wait for the Preds to move but ... since they onlyl have 1 objective and 4/5 kills to do ... they win ...
Answer: They won in my game yesterday, but it was because they mowed down every other faction. But I think it's doable, you only need 1-2 stalkers to activate the hibernation room in 2 turns, so I think you could spare.

Of course these are just my interpretations of the rules, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Warker's picture

Thanks a lot dude for taking some much time for answering ;)
(and sorry for my english, I am at work and do not have enough time to translate properly)

Gacu666's picture

You're very much welcome.

Greetings from Poland :)

julien22's picture

I disagree with one answer:

- Can a Predator make a trophy with a facehugger Corpse ?

Facehugger have 'Tiny' special skill :they never count for mission objectives or frag.

Gacu666's picture

Right, that is absolutely correct! :)

Warker's picture

Okay ! Good to know, thank you ;)

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