Your page numbers are wrong from the printed rule book. Are you using the Beta rules?
Anyway, the rules will state if you are guarded, p15 states that squad commanders are guarded within 2 inches of a friendly model from the same squad. There may well be other examples in the book but that is the first I found.
number 2 means engaged means the same as close combat. So basically if you shoot a flamer and hit a model that has a CCWR of 1 inch. Then any figures that it could fight in close combat, within an inch, also gets hit using the weapons ROF as the number of hits.
Stops you from sniping off figures in close combat with a flamer by placing the template over the enemy figure and avoiding your own. I also can't remember anything that stops you from shooting if you are within anyone's CCWR. Other that to reduce the shooters RS, however in this example the Shot auto hits so RS is not an issue.
Not sure about the -3. I use it all the time even if not in cover or half range but I may be wrong I haven't played using the big game rules.
Look at the colonists entry for a Psy weapon. I believe they have one.
Questions about AvP:Unleashed rules
Your page numbers are wrong
Your right about RS and
Your right about RS and engaged models, How did I miss that.
Found Psy wpns now I look
Found Psy wpns now I look through my rule book. P22 states that "saving rolls against this weapon require a WP test and not and armour test and thus ignore IA. If an RS test is required WP is used instead".
Question about a guarded rule from page 12 (AvP: Unleashed). How models in squad can receive status "guarded'?
Another one about attack with flamer. On page 27 - 'Any model within the template or engaged by a model within the template receives a number of hits equal to the weapon’s ROA at the flamer weapon’s ST.'' What does it mean - ''engaged by a model within the template template receives a number of hits". Model with flamer can shoot while engaged in close combat?
And last about modifier to RS in Large Scale Battles. In such case i must add -3 modifier? When enemy model in cover, when distance to it more 1/2 wepons range or both?
Thank you for answers :)
P.S. What is the "PSY" weapon type? where is it described?