Capitol Bully is ready to deploy | Prodos Games

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Capitol Bully is ready to deploy

Introducing Imperial's heavy hitter.

With release date just around the corner, Prodos Games is pleased to present resin model of Capitol Bully - Imperial tank designed to de-assemble most heavily armored targets in Warzone Resurrction with ease. Bully is a light vehicle, so expect meeting him quite often on the battlefield.




Kaal979's picture

Not bad all those vehicles!
Only dont they appear abit ... oversized?
Shouldnt actually the trooper figures dominate a tabletop scene?
Btw. always the figures on pictures are shown from a side
while normally players have to view them from above!
Further dices are always too big and cant be rolled on the table somehow.
Other than that all shown stuffs are quite impressive - keep it up!

Kaal979's picture

What? Everybody "likes" WAR!!!
Once you became the new WolfBane emperor
to saw hordes of dragon zombies with the hi-technotized
DaethLockDrum - your soul surely got kratachached.
(.. must make THIS artwork next then .. mm ..)

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