Long awaited rules update is here!
It's been long time since Warzone Resurrection was released and classic wargame was brought back to life. Since then thousands of players around the world played the game and helped us polish the rules. All kind of tournaments and leagues resulted with tremenbdus amount of feedback sent to us via Facebook, Twitter, forums, e-mail or told us personally on shows we attend to.
We have gathered your opinionions and processed them with help of our rules testing team. After drinking way too many cofees and spending a lot of time on it, we are proud to invinte you to test Warzone 2.0 ruleset. It's designed with speed and optimization in mind. Some elemnts are no longer overcomplex, some are more clearly described and explained, some have been removed due to being obsolate or reduntant.
All you have to do download complete Warzone 2.0 Rulepack from our downloads section.
Click here to download Warzone 2.0 Open Beta Rules Pack
It consists of Main Rules and rules for each of particular faction. Just unpack it and you are good to go. Be sure to visit our community hub and leave some feedback!
To celebrate this release we announce "MegaCorporate Benefits". They will last 14 days from now and allow you to buy Warzone products on our webshop at 30% discount. All of them, including recent releases.