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Shinnentai's picture

Prodos mentioned the clear preds in the 22nd June update - KS backers should have all received it in the e-mail. Apparently 'wave 2' of the KS will be completed in August, with 'wave 3' being partially sent out at that point.

Personally I still don't have anything - so this 'wave' thing is pretty laughable. Sounds like it's looking like I won't get anything until maybe September or later. For those keeping track that'll be 14 months after the base-game was available on retailer shelves. Also, let's not forget that original delivery for this project was May 2014! XD

Here's the update in case you missed it. As usual with Prodos though, remember that talk is cheap :

Prodos Games Ltd says:
This is Prodos HQ calling backers...Prodos HQ calling backers..... We have imminent good news...and lots of it. I just hope you get before the xenos over-run your positions.
Firstly sorry for the long radio silence. We have been inundated with changes, approval processes and administrative work due to exciting changes in Prodos. I can’t say much at the moment but will keep you updated as the pieces fall into place, however we believe that these changes will result in a faster approval process from Fox and smoother handling of any licenses run by Prodos. Part of this is due to a sea change in management which we see as a very positive step for us as the new manager is a merchandising veteran with strong links to 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros Entertainment and Universal Studio.
Now about AvP:THB KS
1. Clear Preds in Production. We are GO! on one of my favourite models. These models created no end of trouble for us as designers but I’m very pleased with how these have worked out. Prototypes of clear Preds have been approved and they are going to mass production as I speak. All going well, any parcels shipped after the 1st July will include these amazing models.
2. We’ve heard your calls for urgent reinforcements to fight back the horrors in the dark and they’re here! Multi pose marines will be dropping from orbit at the same time as the Predators.
3. For you backers out there that were looking to add some atmosphere to your games, the corridors are being sent to external 3D printing company and we’re looking forward to production on these starting on the 15th July.
4. Wargaming Book – As of the 1st of July, Warzone Ressurection, Prodos other licensed game will start an open BETA. This is important to AvP as the core game will share the same mechanics as expected. If you are interested in learning more about these core mechanics please sign up to newsletter at for more info. Once the BETA is over the book will be sent to print along with the AvP supplement. Just to make it very clear, essentially you’re getting the best of both worlds. You get the core rules for Warzone 2.0 and the supplement for AVP....Both in Hardback with all the facehugging goodness! I wonder what sort of Alien would be made from a Face-hugged Golgotha would look like (
5. Lastly, what good would the new marines be, if we had no way of getting them to you. Dropship’s are currently being master cast in 3D print as we speak and we expect to have the master with us 1st week July. Pictures to follow, but for now, here is link to final 3D sculpt.
The dropship ended up being larger than expected, however our designers did amazing work and I believe it has definitely been worth the wait. Due to the cost of production, the Dropship will be limited to 1000 casts ONLY and will come with a certificate. Just to be 100% clear, we are only planning on casting 1000 of these monsters, so if you want one...or two, head over to the store and Pre-order them now! The oher option is to pick one up from us at one of the shows we will be covering (stock dependant).
6. Despite the regular requests, we’ve still got several people who haven’t completed their pledge managers. Next week we will post up a list of postcodes of all backers that have yet to complete their pledge manager (i.e. missing names and surnames and in some cases not completed at all), so can I ask that if you see your postcode, PLEASE log in to pledge manager at : and update it. If you can’t get into your pledge manager, please contact
7. We now have a revised estimated that wave 2 will be completed by August (with part of wave 3 being issued). I understand that we have missed another deadline and I understand that people are still waiting on packages however we have a great team here who are pulling us closer to the finish line every day.
We are almost there, thanks for your support. Prodos HQ out
#tzz tzzzz....tzzzz#

Jeekay's picture

When you look at the shop, you can see most of the stuff is there.
What they don't sell yet are the Marine Sergeant, Half synthetic (Obj. Marker), Eggs (Obj. Marker), Spear (Obj. Marker), the Female Predator, the Cloaked Pred(but will they ever??), Predator ship (Extra tiles) and the Hardback Rulebook (or is this standard now?).
And than there is the question of the Berserker (this is a KS-only) so probably we will never get that one.

Andvary's picture

Russia here. No updates, no replies to e-mails, no nothing.
What pisses me most is the announcement that boiled down to "Buy more stuff and we'll move you up in delivery queue". That alone was such a low blow, that I would have requested a refund then and there, if only these people accepted it.
I actually wanted to buy more Warzone stuff, I really did. But until I get my pledge, Prodos doesn't get a god-damn penny from me! }:/

Chronomancer's picture

Definately. Although I cannot say when the production of the printed version will occur.

Freefallrlc's picture

Sounds interesting. Any news if there will be a priinted new version rulebook available as well?

Commented on: Battle the Queen
Freefallrlc's picture

Looks great! Love the APC, is it the Halcyon kit?

Yup. The Halcyon model. I think the size is kinda fitting and not that large :)

Commented on: Battle the Queen
Mordiggian's picture

Looks great! Love the APC, is it the Halcyon kit?

Commented on: Battle the Queen
Freefallrlc's picture

~whistles~ awesome pics man would love to see what the game was like

Well the battle was nothing special. Mission 9. Were playing Aliens vs Marines. And didn´t really come far. Only 3 tiles far from the Marine´s starting poing (bridge) till all aliens swarmed the Marines and the battle broke loose without moving anymore. Putting up the whole board was a bit useless haha
I often think that 1 on 1 is often like this. The battle concentrates in one spot and isn´t moving much anymore. If there were 3 fractions I guess that all over the board would be more movement.
The problem is that the aliens need numbers and have to swarm the marines. And the marines need to better stay together because alone you don´t have a chance against several Xenos. Guess that´s a general "problem" of the game.
The APC was just for decoration later for the photos. Was always wondering how it´d fit in scale :)

Commented on: Battle the Queen
PredatorYoungBlood's picture

~whistles~ awesome pics man would love to see what the game was like

Commented on: Female Marine
ridlixcot's picture

It's amazing!

Congratulations from spain!


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