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Chronomancer's picture

The Sentry tokens are removed from play when a model choses to expend it and make a "setry responce" by interrupting another model's activation or at the end of turn.

So yes, your model will carry his Sentry Token with him until he decides to use it or the turn ends. Remember though that you can use each action only once.

Gacu666's picture

I've got a question on sentry.

If a marine player uses the card that give 2 of his minis a sentry token and they yet have to be activated, do they get 2 action points and a sentry?

Commented on: Foam solutions?
Bogend's picture

I use magnetic tape and have superglued a small earth magnet to the base of each figure. The tape I have stuck to the bottom of an old cassette tape box. Holds them well enough as long as the box doesn't get jolted. Case wise
the games workshop one is good as well as battle foam, who if I remember rightly do a set specifically for AVP, and Kr are also good quality. Of choice I would take the games workshop new case. The foam is not stuck down along its whole length meaning you can tuck those bases under it. Have a look on line and you will see what I mean. However it is possibly the most expensive of the ones I have mentioned.

Jeekay's picture

I actually received my game today. Now I only have to check what is missing.

Gendasi's picture

As a word of warning to those who are concerned about how their squads look: the sergeant's actually a slightly different scale from the other marines. He's about half a head shorter and everything is proportionately shrunk to fit his height. he's cast in a single piece and actually looks a bit silly alongside the rest of the marines with his comically-small shotgun.

I'll have to get a good picture to post, since this is VERY off-putting.

Chronomancer's picture

Hi mate :)

On rulebook 2.0 page 19 is indicated that players use their sentry tokens in intiative order by taking turns. This means:
Player with initiative activates 1 sentry token
Player 2 activates 1 sentry token
Player 3 activates 1 sentry token
Player 1 activates second sentry token
and so on.


Chronomancer's picture

Hi mates.

I suggest that for any date questions you use facebook or the contact forms, because the officials are really working hard on other areas and don't lurk the forums :)
Delivery dates etc are issues you will hardly find an official noticing in here :)

Thanks about the rules comment :P We tried hard :)

For the Marines, there is a second pack of marines and weapons coming up at some point, but it falls on the "dates" category and I can't guess when. As long as the Medic is concerned, I did not pose him running. Instead I posed him a... Poser. One leg down, one leg on a big stone/lodge/step/whatever - like a "Chill dude, I'll cook 'ere" attitude. You could probably play with "green stuff" and conversions :) I've seen lotsa things on facebook, even GW Marine and Guard flamers :)


Commented on: AvP Rules 2.0 VS 1.2
Chronomancer's picture

Hi there :)

Yes you should get 2.0

However, the office demon has meddled and a few errors happend. If you did not pring, please wait for a bit (just download and read), because there were some rules left out. We are going to issue 2.1 very very soon.

If you did download, there is no problem. Also very soon, there will be an additional .pdf that will only contain the errata of 2.0.

Also, the by now Trademarked soon will also bring you the corrected cards as a download. :)

Sorry for the delay :P I am multitasking like a madman :) I'll try to be more active to the forums :)

shedim's picture

Thank you. As I read your reply it made me smile, I was imagining the marine bunny hopping around singing.

Thanks, haha. This medic should be the next Disney princess, right? :-D


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