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DokorNick's picture

Thanks Shinnentai. I'd kinda figured that the UK business was a front for the Polish business, but didn't know this at the time. That truly is a massive thread over on Dakka Dakka. Will have a look through.

Is everyone just having to sit tight and hope, do you know, or has anyone followed up through legal channels?

Commented on: Foam solutions?
fleetingjoy's picture

thanks everyone :) hopefully I'll be posting pics soon, starting with my humans first.... get them out of the way lol

Shinnentai's picture

I'm in the UK, and have seen nothing. I've written to them a couple of times, but not had any response, engagement or anything. Evidently a few people are receiving their pledges, but I'm not hopeful given we're 27 months past their delivery date.

The saddest thing is that I backed this because it was a UK-based company near me and I wanted to support local effort and actually I've just been massively let down. I think I just want my money back now given it looks like I'll never actually get the game. Their registered premises in the UK is less than an hour's drive away from my house, all of the local game shops have several copies of the game, and yet they can't get one to me.

It's been made clear that Prodos consider fulfilling AVP KS pledges comes bottom of their 'to do' list. They prioritise new AVP sales through their online store & to retailers (money for Prodos), casting models for 3rd parties (money for Prodos), and creating new product lines (money for Prodos). If they have any spare capacity after those activities then it goes to fulfilling AVP KS pledges.

Also I should perhaps make you aware that Prodos is in fact a Polish operation: while there is a UK company, very little (if any) real activity now takes place through it - seems like it was set up primarily to run the Kickstarter campaign (run it, not fulfill it XD). Kickstarter pledges & retail sales are sent from Poland. If you search for 'AVP Dakka' you'll see an interesting (and huge) thread on the Dakka Dakka forum about the AVP KS campaign.

DokorNick's picture

I'm in the UK, and have seen nothing. I've written to them a couple of times, but not had any response, engagement or anything. Evidently a few people are receiving their pledges, but I'm not hopeful given we're 27 months past their delivery date.

The saddest thing is that I backed this because it was a UK-based company near me and I wanted to support local effort and actually I've just been massively let down. I think I just want my money back now given it looks like I'll never actually get the game. Their registered premises in the UK is less than an hour's drive away from my house, all of the local game shops have several copies of the game, and yet they can't get one to me.

Chronomancer's picture

Indeed :)

skibble's picture

AU here.

Mines come in to.

Some damage to the Packing boxes but no damage to the minis or gamebox.

Everything on the inventory sheet is accounted for and the deformed resin responds well to a hot (But not boiling) bath, followed by a cold dip.

Kriegspiel's picture

no just impatient. Anyway, it's not unusual in "paper gaming" industry.
Just look franchise
that started as another system product
or &
that is finally some kind of set in a fantasy WWII
You may also find on the net several non-official D&D like Top Trumps / Super Trumpf / Top Ass (*) cards deck with Luis Royo pin-up or some NSFW subject.

(*) not the same meaning in Germzn

By the way, there is still nothing about Space Crusade on Prodos boardgame geek page

Commented on: Index
Gacu666's picture

Oh this is friggin helpful, thanks! I need to print this ASAP :D, just needs some tweaking to the 2.0v I think.

Gacu666's picture

Do you need any proofreading? I'm a professional QA specializing in such tasks. In the 2.0v there were many typos and bugs, maybe I could help ;) ?
I'm also polish, so communication would not be an issue ;).

Gacu666's picture

So technically I could activate the model, use extended action (like weld, run etc) and then use shoot by a sentry? That's kinda cool!


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