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Tarrintino's picture

It might also be interesting to see rules for a more "Open World" approach to the game (something similar to "Warhammer 40k" or "Dust: Warfare").

In this sort of game, vehicles like the APC and the Dropship would play a larger role in the game.

Freefallrlc's picture

Dropship and APC some day might be cool. But afterwards... no further plans so far I guess.
I agree on the Mission. Some more detailed Objectives with more floor Tiles, other rooms and objects would be cool. Like a Missions add on

Shinnentai's picture

I see Prodos are now selling AvP at 30%-40% off. So instead of backing the Kickstarter campaign 2 and a half years ago I could have just bought AvP now, and received it both faster and for less money!

Still, if I ever get anything from my Kickstarter pledge, I've got that exclusive beserker predator figure to look forward to XD

TARDISrider's picture

I just ran my 7th beta game today, I love most of the changes. Some things that have fallen by the wayside were cool, but too much (ie. balancing ~1000 card PLUS models for tourney play, rock/paper/scissors weapon vs. armor)

All in all, the changes seem to be in the right direction, especially to draw in new players. Prodos has a slight problem here in the USA, so fellow Americans, talk up the game at your local store/group until a major distributor takes a good, hard look. Until then, Crusade away. I have found that using Crusader rewards to reward friends/give as tourney prizes is an awesome hook (4 of my 7 gaming friends are in now even though only 2 of us kickstarted the original release.)

Don't give up hope, we're here, we're working and dammit I want to see the tribes of Earth get released as more than an afterthought.

Best to all!

Gryffn88's picture

I'm not sure how to start a new topic as I don't see a tab function to start one, so I thought this would be the best place to ask...

Should I be worried about the game in general? I'm not sure but it seems as though there is no "steam" behind the game at all. Not new news on the beta or how it's new rules are being used? No battle reports with the beta rules, not response for 3 weeks on the one question that has been asked.

My heart fells heavy as WarZone and MC have been a faviorite of mine for 20 years, playing it when WarZone was first released in 1995. Been through Target, paradox, and now Prodos.

I just want to know that there is "love" out there for the game.

ravenbraid's picture

I have received absolutely nothing in the US, no replies to emails, etc. If I ever see these guys at a convention they'll be calling the police over the confrontation!

Kriegspiel's picture

As full white was making the Crusaders looking like "Western Australian Angels" team from the Legend Football League
here is a 1st layer of crimson red & ocre

Kriegspiel's picture

See closer look for the girl I assume to be the leader and the rocket launcher servant

and the whole squad of Crusaders & Maras
[url=]IMAGE([/url] [url=]IMAGE([/url]

[url=]IMAGE([/url] [url=]IMAGE([/url]

As you can see there are 2 "official" maras poses where the rifle is hold with 2 hands that are NOT available by default.
To reproduce them, you HAVE TO cut the arms to make the conversions..

You can also notice that for one of them (the lowest right Mara) both shoulders received the additional pauldron, while the other one just get the one with the horned skull and not the alternative chaos star.
I chose to put both pauldron on each Mara (some cutting needed) except for the rocket launcher servant while for the Crusader I used only one (the winged sword (?) SAS like one just like the online shop photo)

Here is how Crusaders look like after skin & weapon painting
and same for Maras after skin & horn painting
As you see at this point, Prodos minis have such quality that lazy players could just do an ink wash for crusader & drybrush on Maras then start to play

Commented on: Foam solutions?
fleetingjoy's picture

aor = or

Freefallrlc's picture

Ah, so the redesign of the Dropship is confirmed. Good news :D


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