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mariettabrit's picture

yeah the new tail attack makes the aliens a lot deadlier once they start ganging up in a tile with their enemies

mariettabrit's picture

technically +1 to opponents armour right? every point below str10 is a bonus to armour

Warker's picture

Okayyyy so we still apply a -1 to opponent armor ?

mariettabrit's picture

yeah I went through all mine and updated with stickers.
I like the new format for weapon strengths, makes more sense. Ballistic weapons have a set STR, weapons give a modifier to base STR of creature. So Combat knife is still an effective STR9 for marines even though listed as +0 STR

Commented on: Grenade Launcher
mariettabrit's picture

Yeah if the intent was to just have a way for the marines to do 2 damage to a critter then they probably should have called it something different... like an AP (Armour Piercing) round rather than a grenade attack, especially as there is a grenade card for the marines too.

BrotherJim's picture

I think your pervert cards don´t fit to that game and/or forum. Just stop it! I love the love and sex, too but this is not the right place for it - only for AvP!

But this is not the AvP subforum! This is the Space Crusade subforum. Just saying.

Warker's picture

Ok thanks. I did not have yet the opportunity to test the game. Just finished yesterday gluing enough models to have some diversity.

Commented on: multi level playing?
Alien_Warrior6's picture

I often use two floors in my games. For this I just set up two divided maps and determine a few tiles (pred.tiles for example) as stairways, connecting the two floors. Mostly I set up then an elevator and a few "vertical" air vents, too. Latter one only can be used by the aliens (but not by the big ones, like Royal Guard or Queen).


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