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Kriegspiel's picture


Usually same problems are resolve with the same resolution and same environments give birth to the same culture.
In the times Mars rivers were wet and atmosphere breathable, the humanoid probably found also the need for altered version of them.
However intead of cybernetic, they rely on mutation, unnatural cross-breeding that lead to humanoid female with light purple grey skin and horns that needed to be fully effective armor parts with some spikes demonic symbols on them.

Another theory is that they are the corrupted form of the Crusader. Maybe the truth is a mix of two: their body being any woman (either a Crusader or a civilian colonist) and their fire arms the Crusader ones (with some additional paint and carving) while their armor some martian artifact since it quite doubtfull the human locked cybernetic device could be "possesses"

Concerning possession, it's still unclear wether the female get possessed by the martian entity who makes her wearing the armor OR if somebody (or something that could be the armor itself) force the woman to wear the armor and THEN only once worn the armor starts possession the body Inside.


The first mission will give the Crusader valuable information about MABS as they will witness the transformation process of an human prisonner (actually an Amazone, but any female could be victim of it) that is something between the damnation of a Cenobite in Helraiser 2
and the Dark Symetry process for creating a legionary in Mutant Chronicles

Just as in the 1990 movie HARDWARE ( ) the MAB's exoskeleton known as B.U.R.K.A. is able to rebuilt itself.

The MAB is the combination of a human "host" with this cyber parasite which name is an acronym of:
- Battlefield
- Universal
- Robotic
- Kinesic
- Androïde

One a the most difficult think when programming a robot his to teach it to walk everywhere : not only flat hard floor but mud, stairs, sand dune,... by instinct all animal walk on 4 legs. Human babies despite thousand generations still need several month to adapt to bipedal move before it become an instictive movement. To solve this problem mad cyber-wizard choose to use human as spare part to deal with the waliking process: the exoskeleton orders the human to walk and the human nerve system controls the exoskeleton limbs intead of his.

B.U.R.K.A. just need the human skull and spinal to work. of course having the trunk and the head is mandatory to keep it alive a little longer.

Without a human "host" the BURKA can only crawl on the floor.

In order to use the human, MAB's creators have first to brain wash and break will. The reason BURKA is linked to female rather than male is that a part of the connection use a bio-cybernetic placenta. Since the BURKA has a biologic part (*) it must rely on the host digestive system to be fed like an human foetus relies on his pregnant mother.

The secondary effect the fusion with BURKA is similar to pregnancy (breast size increasement, affective relationship via the placenta, end of menstruation,,..) except from the host belly doesn't go bigger as the foetus is replaced by the BURKA exo-skeletton.

To a certain extent, this fusion with a woman could be considered a rape and the B.U.R.K.A. nothing else than a way to change a woman in a submissive automaton.

Moreover in the case of cyborg like Crusaders, Valkyries or Amazons, it's not impossible that the exoskeleton attempt to recycle the cybernetic parts of her to build a copy of itself like in a reproduction process.

Gacu666's picture

Not yet available.

Kriegspiel's picture

1st Virgins Blood
In this first Mission, the Crusader will discover the horror of the Mab's contruction.

While their primary mission is a classical search and destroy, the discovery of a capture bike + spare parts of destroyed one suggest that 2 Amazone could be held captive.

The 2ndary objective will be to free them.

However since they are both already in the sadistic transformation machine, only one may be saved (if the Mara is killed in one turn) giving the player an Amazone for the next mission.

For this mission you need
- 5 Crusaders (one could be a rocket-girl)
- 5 Maras (I know there are 6 on the map but since the 1st one should be killed to enter the base..)
- 3 Mabs
Devil Sluts (DS) is the common term to designate both Maras & Mabs

Crusaders wins if they kill all Mara's and Mabs OR free the 2nd Amazon prior her transformation.
Note that the 2nd Amazone may be transformed only after 1 Mab is killed (explain that the exoskeleton crawl on the ground and possess the Amazon body
- the Devil Sluts win if the 2 Amazone are transformed and at least 2 Crusaders are killed OR if they kill all Crusaders

to build your own missions, tokens maybe downloaded on


The 2 Maras outside possess access card so once one is killed, Crusader can open outside doors, the doors Inside automatically open when a model is place on one of the 4 squares around them and automatically close at the end of the turn when nobody is there.


Because of the awful wind noise, the void, the mist or whatever the Devil Sluts don't notice the Crusaders even if they shot one of them. Only the targetted DS may react.
- Indoor
Neither sound nor radio frequency may "pass the door" until it gets open.
Therefore, as long as no Crusader open the door of a room, no DS Inside may be played.
When the door open, DS player MUST place them during the Crusaders turn them ONLY when a Crusader has a line of sight.

However, he CAN also place (and play them) during his turn; IF he WANTS to play them he MUST place them (there is no hidden move):
just consider that the sound of the door opening warn them of "somebody" presence even if the Crusader is not in the line of sight.

However in both case if one DS who actually had a line of sight of was attacked by a Crusader moves in the line of sight of another DS(i.e. enter in her room) she of course give the alert and this other one may be played

Shinnentai's picture

All I can say is good luck.

Perhaps printing out the pledge manager page showing your pledge would help?

If all else fails, you might want to write the letter on their behalf ;-)

Kriegspiel's picture

1st (home made) mission board to be printed on 2x2 A3 format pages

altasmurf's picture

Has anyone else done any testing? I'm curious as to how it's going. It would be nice if they released beta rules for at least one more unit for each army just to test a bit more things and see the direction the game is going.

altasmurf's picture

Thanks Raven,

I haven't gotten to test the beta rules yet, but I am looking forward to the changes. The game needed a streamlining. Any hints as to whats in the pipe for Capitol. I'm quite curious to see how they turn out.

Joshhodg's picture

I still have not received an email back.

Raven's picture

Good report. your going to love the new rules for both Cybertronic and Capitol!

D511's picture

just resieved mail from prodos:
"Hi there!
Your AvP Kickstarter order is now being partially sent."

In order-list was all addons that exist for now.
Pledge status - partially sent.
will see what will be delivered )))
Thank you Warker and thank you Agata :)


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