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Commented on: Army Builder Files...
jtisdel's picture

The Power of Heritage

The Homebuilders are now available in the beta Army Builder data files.


Commented on: CTC is back
Feralzen's picture

Glad you liked it!

Worked hard to get it out! Hope you liked the new lay-out. We're presently working to determine the way forward.

Also, we're alway open to new content. We're here to build the community! Feel free to contact us if you have any comments, suggestions or information that you'd like to share.


Alexandre Dupuis
CTC Magazine

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
Assur's picture

Which version of Army Builder are your files for? I use AB 2.2c - will they work for me?

And thanks for the effort, even if I can't use it others will surely find it very helpful.

Commented on: Need help!!!
Arkanish's picture

Yes, we play 2.0, the problem is only 2 predator , cards marines powerful , put doors, dies 1 Predator and fucked .
Best combination ? Hunter + SmartDisk ?

Thanks gacu

D511's picture

I received my pledge today :).

Commented on: Need help!!!
Gacu666's picture

I won a few rounds with the Predator faction while playing with 3 people.
The best way is to wait a bit so the Aliens go CC with the Marines and then jump in. If you are able to go CC with your Preds you're technically invincible. Use your cards smart and try to use the Smart Disk around the corners :).

Are you playing the v2.0 rules?

Warker's picture

Okay ! Good to know, thank you ;)

Kriegspiel's picture

1st mission test feedback:

The game rythme is more like MB Heroquest than MB Space Crusade since all the assault force comes from asingle entry.
Therefore, for a similar bard size than MB SC, the exploring time is longer but not the game since in multiplayer there is still only one squad.

The mission itself is quite easy: the assault team regroup next to room door, blast in the room, search it then regroup in front of next room. at the end, the progression is a the slowest guide speed.

Except usual bad dice rolls occurs, mission was far too easy too be interesting.

As I didn't have plan anything for setting traps and mandatory stuff to discover (to force search that may result of trap activation)
I used MB alien event cards.
This gave 2 challenge:
- limited time for completion (the mission must be completed BEFORE all events are played to be considered as successful)
- the surprise attack (like Genestealer in MB SC or wandering monster in MB HQ) and traps (mainly heavy weapon shooting against the crusader team

This way the crusader player is submitted to a dilemna:
1) taking time to regroup before assault but then risking time over or at least suffering from more events
2) risking unprepared assault, forgetting "treasure discovery" but suffering from less event and being sure of completing in time.

the most deadly event were:
- transformation in Chaos SM
- the 2 MB SC genestealer attacks

for the 1st one, just swap the Crusader mini with a Mara instead of swapping Space Marine by Chaos Marine
for the 2 one, I would imagine a Demonette rising from the ground or falling from the cellar, an AvP alien
but Warzone Golgotha or mourning wolves are definitively more sexy

but instead of 2 cards of close combat ennemy, I would prefer introducing some harrassing sexy sniper like an Imperial grey ghost but painted & converted
to make her look like wearing some vinyl catsuit like
but perhaps with a mask (just cut the hair and partially wipe the face)

Commented on: Kickstarter Progress
alok666's picture


Greetings FROM SPAIN.

I no recived ANYTHING (included mails or responses about KS)

I can't understand, as costumer/backer, why the backers didn't have anything of the game but PRODOS is shelling it at the online store.

Is my second AND LAST KS with you PRODOS. I feel that you have laughed in the face of the backers

When you will send my Pledge (partial or complete package) I hope a message or something...


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