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Warker's picture

I did not see the stats in the bottom on the page !!!
Feel sooooo stupid >_<

Joshhodg's picture

Email sent. Hopefully it will work out now. Thanks.

mariettabrit's picture

again, stats are on pg35 per previous response :)

Warker's picture

I tried to slide the doors from the side without ... well.... talent ^^
I will try another time and perhaps use some tape too...

Commented on: Support troops Marines
Warker's picture

okkkkkkkkkkkkkk I did not read correctly !!!

Sentry Gun SQUAD !!!

OK now it's clead, thanks you all ;)

Warker's picture

You guys are talking about 2.0 rules aren't you ?
Because I do not see anywhere the "new rules" allowing us to create a Colonel for example...
71 points cost ... ok
Then choose a fire weapon and a Knife ... OK ...
What about stats ???

Gacu666's picture

Marine HQ have 2 special characters now, with unique statistics. The custom hero has different ranks and they have more wounds and better armor with every rank (3 to choose from) and they choose custom gear.

The Predators use Elder Predators, which have better stats and relic weapons (better ROA, STR etc) but cost more.

Commented on: Support troops Marines
Gacu666's picture

As far as I understand if you take a CM squad, you can take a sentry gun squad and deploy them at the beginning of the game, they can't be moved in any way except with a PL.

Commented on: Grenade Launcher
Gacu666's picture


mariettabrit's picture

I have a similar problem, I am going to put a piece of tape where the base goes.
Sliding the door into the base from the side helps a little.


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