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D511's picture

Thank you, Warker! I will send a letter to her. Will see if it help :)

Commented on: Grenade Launcher
Alien_Warrior6's picture

If a Wound is inflicted by the Grenade Launcher (A)
Special Action, the target Model receives two Wounds
instead of one.

What is unclear with this statement?

Warker's picture

Hey another mail :

Dear Mr Romain,

Thanks for reaching me back with a query!
All we can send you right now is Predator ship tiles, Sergeant and Predator Spears.

Rest of stuff is awaiting for licences, it might take some more time. As soon as we'll have approvals needed and production will start, we'll going to ship it in next wave.

Let me come back to you with tracking number in few days!

You see ?

Warker's picture

Hi again.
Juste received another mail from Prodos.
Since I do not got all my stuff, 3 more deliveries will be done.
Just crossing fingers now. Contact them dudes. They care about us :)

Commented on: Grenade Launcher
Warker's picture

Another question about grenade launcher.
Do you make 1 armor test for soaking 2 damages or 2 armor test for each damage ?

Warker's picture

Agata is the person who gave me my UPS tracking code.
She also registered the fact I miss some figs.
Nevertheless, I have used the formular on the website.

You can contact her with this mail :

I hope this will help you dudes.

D511's picture

Does anyone know who Agata is? How it is possible to contact with her and how she can help to recieve KS order?

Kriegspiel's picture

Well I understand your confusion
on a low res smatphone screen may appear like
but obviously
were made for people who like moreUntitled

Gacu666's picture

The preatorian can be seen in Aliens vs Predator video game series. They're like bigger aliens with a developed head crest (similar to the queen). They were the "guards" of the hive. The royal guard (origins in comics and AVP: the arcade) seems to be the closest guard of the queen, hence the name.

mariettabrit's picture

the stats have changed a lot with v2.0, you'll definitely want to update you existing cards with the new values.


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