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Alien_Warrior6's picture

Praetorians are better Royal Guards, just like evolved Warriors are better than normal Alien Warriors. There are no Praetorian models to buy yet.

Paroxysm is a new ability for the aliens. They don´t need to chose either use their claws or tail. Now the can use just both together as soon as they´re engaged and spend two action points for that kind of attack (so 2 AP and you´ll get your attack with claws and your tail together).

Joshhodg's picture

I'm unaware who Agata is. I'm not interested in the models any longer and my pledge was changed without my knowledge to not even include models I really wanted.

Gacu666's picture

Not yet. You have to look up some rules changes in the rulebook.

Carthagenj's picture

Have the cards changed? If so, how?

Warker's picture

Hi. Did you contact Agata ? I received my pledge a few days ago. I paid nearly 450 $.
Some blisters were missing (5) + predator board tiles + hard cover rules (not printer yet so ... it's normal).
She answered me the day after and I will receive them soon.
So ... why not trying to make it work ?

Gacu666's picture

No, use the download section for 2.0v of the rules :) theres a lot of difference.

No problem ;)

Warker's picture

Rules 2.0 !!!
Thanks a lot dude :)

Warker's picture

WHat ? STalkers cost 6 ???
I think I don't use the latest rules !!! ?

Gacu666's picture

It's not that bad.

Stalkers cost 6, infants cost 10, warriors cost 24.
If you want to take marines you need to take squads at 113pts for 5 guys. 100 pts give you 10 infants :).
Predators cost 63 minimum and they tend to make hell for others singlehandedly so 3 or more are overkill ;).

Warker's picture

OK I found what I was looking for but ... I am disappointed.
10 points for a marine ?
12-15 points for an alien ?
Aliens are supposed to cost less so you can launch swarms of them ...
In AVP the old video game, in order to play online with some balance, you had to choose :
4 Aliens for 2 Marines for 1 Predator.
Here ... it seems that Predator costs 55 points, Marine 10 and Alien ... 12 o_O

Sounds really wrong to me...


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