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Commented on: Online Orders
HerrUther's picture

Still nothing from Prodos about my order, it's been 19 days now…

Hellebore's picture


Do you know where this is stated, in an FAQ or something?


Commented on: Online Orders
HerrUther's picture

Thanks for the info...

Commented on: Online Orders
Feralzen's picture

Perhaps you can send an email to Alicja at

She sorted my requests previously.

Assur's picture

It says ignore all negative RS modifiers, so that also means the -2 RS for long range between 12-18 inches. I see no reason to make an exception

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
jtisdel's picture

Folks, the production version of the AB files for second edition are now available through the Army Builder application.

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
jtisdel's picture

Master of War and Dark Technology joints the Army Builder data files.

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
jtisdel's picture

The Brotherhood
The Forces of Light join the Army Builder data files.

Hellebore's picture

There seems to be a consistent 'evolution' theme in the various units of the aliens. Each variation has an 'evolved' form.


Infant - warrior - evolved warrior
royal guard - praetorian
stalker - crusher (this was an inference I read on the AVP wiki)

Leaving predaliens, queens and facehuggers as separate.

Gacu666's picture

The only exception to this rule I am not sure is the advanced action: Run. You can pass 2 tiles, if you are adjacent to an engaged tile you theoretically could run through. But I agree that this should not be possible.


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