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Kwnos's picture

Ok,we missed that part completely.

Thank you very much.

Commented on: W.A.R. AVP?
Bogend's picture

Its referring to the wargames rules which as of yet haven't appeared. They were due 60 days after the WZR2 rules were out, but have been delayed.

Assur's picture

Template weapons ignore the power shot rule - check shooting with template weapons section. So all Hatamoto should've rolled their saves.

Snebze's picture

I'd like to hear from Prodos themselves about this. I'd like the product, but having heard of the AvP shenanigans, I ordered through a third-party company. I have the option of cancelling and using the credit to buy something else.

A shame, because their products are high-quality... if you can ever get your hands on what you ordered.

Assur's picture

#1 You got it right. However, if a model has greater size (by 2 or more than the enemy it is engaged with) it isn't limited to 1 action point when activated so it can move away first (or kill the opponent in CC) and then shoot with the remaining action.

#2 Cartel symbol means that any faction can use the effect described under this symbol. If you can use effects described on both sides of the card, you choose one.

dunnagh's picture

Yes. The others just dont cooperate. You still may lend some Units from other factions (like Wolfbane commandos or Valkyries) though in most armies.

dunnagh's picture

Why would they? 2.0 has just been released and Ilian is right on the doorstep

asm0dai's picture

Well. That sounds not very promising because this starter set is on sale for a good half of a year or for even more time...

I hope "Prodos Games" won't drop the "Warzone Ressurection" project...

dunnagh's picture

Currently, it´s not possible to buy the Marshall on its own. I think Prodos is planning to make him more accessible somehow.

Commented on: Cards
dunnagh's picture

Answer: Buy 1 pack of the new megadeck. It will provide you with all the Cards you Need (except perhaps 1-4 resource Cards. My advice here: just use facedown unused other Cards for that)


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