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Commented on: Army Builder Files...
Corvus's picture

Additional finds:

-Inquisitors in a Trooper Squad shouldn't be able to take on an entourage.
-Full 10 man Trooper squads should be able to take 4 Scoped rifles, not 2.
-Some Brotherhood chars who get Art powers for free are missing some of the free options.

Panzergruppe is +20 for the squad, not per vehicle in the squad.

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
Corvus's picture

Hey there,

Using 2.9 and noticed some bugs/errors for Brotherhood:

-Fury Elite, Visionaries and CS Agents currently don't have point costs. They should be 110 for a pair (Fury Elite), 16 pts per model (Visionaries) and 13 pts each (CSAs).

-Trooper Squads: The Inquisitor upgrade for Squad Commander is not an attached character. He's an upgrade for the squad itself. Whatever points the squad pays for Art powers, the Inquisitor gets as part of the squad. So he shouldn't be paying extra points to match the troopers.

-Vehicles are still requiring Art powers to be purchased instead of it being an optional choice.

-Inquisitor Majoris Hamilkar may take up to 3 Art Powers for free. He can take them from any Path and can take Powers from more than 1 Path. He currently has to pay for them in ab.

netminder69's picture

I understand the frustration. I too have received nothing. I'm in the US. Needless to say I will never back anything from Prodos ever again and likely not buy anything from them ever again. Which sucks, because the whole AvP thing are two of my most favorite properties ever and having a miniatures game had me super jazzed. I would have dropped a crap ton of money on expansions and miniatures for their proposed skirmish game of it. Maybe I'll luck out and they'll sell the line to someone else because I ust cannot fathom giving this company any (more) of my money.

HerrUther's picture

Thanks for the kind words

I didn't take any pictures of the installation of the lights but I will take a few pictures of what I've done and try to explain it when I get a day off

HerrUther's picture

Keep practising buddy

Commented on: W.A.R. AVP?
Bogend's picture

The link rules are dated I believe October, So I would hope that some work has been done to them since that date. So just be aware before posting feedback. Middle of Feb will be the beta.

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
GarrettChapman's picture

Thanks for sharing the info. I was looking for the wzr-2.3.ab, glad I got your post! I'll download the files as soon as possible and looking forward for your next updates on the beta version.

Commented on: W.A.R. AVP?
Nickienogger's picture

I got an email dated january 9th from prodos containing a link to the WIP PDF file for AVP unleashed rules

The next piece of news is that the Beta rules for AVP: UNLEASHED will be released on 15th Feb. We understand that some of you feel that THB rules were rushed out and therefore we’re giving YOU the opportunity to have your say on the rules before they go to print. The playtest team have been hard at the rules and I believe they’ve had 7 if not 8 different versions of the various forces so that they feel that the forces are just right for deployment. I look forward to seeing the comments on these lists as having played them myself they certainly compare well with the other forces in Warzone. Here’s a little preview of the rules:

Its alot of rules and it looks like AVP board game rules + AP based system like malifaux / warmachine

These rules should have been better publicised to the community but the Prodos management team is in shambles so they really should work harder ./ our community ahve to work on it ourselves

let the community know what u think fo the rules!

Nickienogger's picture

very interesting - keep working on your painting evryone only gets better with practice and time!

Glad to see these models being painted up

Nickienogger's picture

woah dudde!!! well done! super awesome and love the lights installed! more pictures about how u did the lights please!

very inspiring thanks for sharing!


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