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dunnagh's picture

Some more answers:
Paired Weapons: It´s the same Shooting Action, so just assume they have the cover regardless which weapon is fired first.
1. Retake the Field: Seems we are missing an "at the end of turn 4" here. Correct assessment. Indeed it seems both Players can win (example: 10 starting squads, Defender kills 6, attacker has 3 in convergence). I´d say, the Odds of this Happening are very Slim, but yes, this could happen. I´ll add this to our watchlist.
2. Rites are part of the army creation ("upgrade"). You cannot Change them during the game as they are Chosen before the game starts
3. Currently under discussion. My personal view is "yes", but there are reasonable other views. For the Moment, treat it as yes.
4. Yes, he Counts. Otherwise we would have written "All other..."
5. If they are dead, there´s no Access anymore. If they are not on the table yet: no Access. Stalk: debatable, but I´d say no as they are considered to be "blank" for all other purposes
6. RAW, no as they are not targeted. Psychic grenades and FT are very rare so this shouldnt meddle with balancing
7. Vince Diamond: Works as intended for now. Not everything has to be 100% useful all of the time.

JasonHolmes's picture

Tried to upload some pictures of some finished models but this upload system sucks. Anyone know how to upload pictures here?

soulsick1988's picture

no, i mean the troops options in advanced rules on how to make a points list it goes like that in the rulebook:

2. Alien Stalkers (6 pts each) You may include Stalkers up
to half the total number of Infant Warrior and Warrior
Models in your Force, rounding fractions up.
3. Alien Facehuggers (4 pts each) You may include
Stalkers up to half the total number of Infant Warrior
and Warrior Models in your Force, rounding
fractions up.

This is clearly a typo as the two are the exact same text

Bogend's picture

Is it this bit you were after?
Facehug (P) – Models hit in Close Combat must pass a Con
Test instead of an Armour Test, or lose one Wound. For
each Model removed from play by the Facehug (P) Special
Skill, the Alien player may instantly place one of his own
Alien Faction Models as long as the appropriate Model is
available. Models deployed in such a way are placed on
any, not Engaged, Infected Tile and count as having been
Activated for this Game Turn. After successfully removing
any Model from play by the means of Facehug (P), remove
the Facehugger Model as a casualty.

Doc69's picture

The bases have a tab on each side of the interior of the base. I used a modelling knife and sliced a little off each tab. Now the doors fit perfect and no need for tape.

Hicks's picture

Whoop de woo! Best news all week!

Bogend's picture

Absolutely outstanding news. Looking forward to next xmas already. Happy xmas to all of you at Prodos.

Jarek_Ewertowski's picture

Yes, current AvP will be expanded in the future in parallel with Unlashed releases. There is about 15 additional designs that needs to be approved/sculpted and ran through production.

As for releases, any new release can be used in all 3 variants of the AvP products, THB, Unleashed and TLS.

BTW. We even have enough material for Mercenaries, and if we are fortunate enough to get an approval they will be available before next year Xmas. Thanks

Hicks's picture

Thanks for the quick reply Jarek.

So, there is an expansion for THB in the works, and a new standalone game. Sounds great! .. I must have missed that part. In other words the "hobby line" of current AVP figures will still be expanded upon in the future? If that is the case i'm definitely back onboard.

Jarek_Ewertowski's picture

Hi there, thanks for your comment.

As for KS items, they will be released as soon as we send the last KS parcel.

Our team is working on an expansion to the Hunt Begins board game, that is in the pipeline to be released mid of 2017, in the mean time there will be a new release of AvP game, called The Last Stand, that will have an extra PDF rules allowing it to be used as an expansion to THB.

The last stand is in 100% non-hobby product (no assembly required) and is designed with Board Game play style in mind.

Also, Unleashed rules should be available in a month time, our graphical team is working on it as we speak!



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