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Commented on: Army Builder Files...
jtisdel's picture

Okay, 2.10 has been released to fix the items listed above; for those below, I will have to make a later release.

Some Brotherhood chars who get Art powers for free are missing some of the free options.

Only Dominic, Hamilkar, and The Keeper get free powers (Ava gets one automatically for included cost). Which one is not getting their free powers?

irish1983's picture

Or have the marines evacuating themselves and civilians from an infestation and have the preds trying to hunt them (alien player gets points for capturing enemy models or face hugging them).

irish1983's picture

what is the point of AVP wargame if you cant play 3 forces at the same time?

Yeah thats a bit dramatic. Im not sure why you couldnt play with three players we do it all the time with warzone. nothing in the rules say you cant play with three players. Three player scenarios are what make 3 ways fights fun. try making a temple table setup or ship with the aliens infesting it. Have the marines get to a set point to blow the nest, and have the preds try to kill and collect trophies from the other two sides (like a set sgt or royal guard etc) and get back to their ship.

irish1983's picture

Its probably because all of you that havent got it yet never backed the KS or never updated your pledge management info. IE they cant ship to you unless you did that. Waiting "years" to figure that out makes you look like liars or trolls (or worse). i dont personally know a single KS backer who hasnt gotten their stuff long ago (excpet for the cloaked preds which arent in production yet).

If I was Prodos I would love if none of you ever backed anything I veer did again because then you wouldnt be stinking up every social media avenue you can in 5 minutes time instead of reading the legal agrrement you signed over at KS and checking up on your profile.

Seriously I have been biter at a miniatures companies before and I understand your frustration; but be proactive instead of wasting your time (and mine, but someone needed to call you all out).

RZ_Talon's picture

Didn't think so but wanted to make sure. The opponents I have been going against couldn't believe it had no test..

Makes it a wickedly good skill!

Thanks for confirming it for me.

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
Corvus's picture


Soshomara Temple
Batta no Choyaku: Supposed to be 15 pts for the squad. Currently costs 15 pts per model.

Shirii Temple
Kakushi no Shomei: Supposed to be 10 pts for the squad. Currently costs 10 pts per model.

Yorama Temple
Harikenburasuto: Supposed to be 10 pts for the squad. Currently costs 10 pts per model.
Hakai-tekina Yogan no Chikara: Supposed to be 20 pts for the squad. Currently costs 7 pts per model. Range is incorrectly listed as 23 instead of 24.
Teritsukeru Taiyo: Supposed to be 10 pts for the squad. Currently costs 5 pts per model. Range is incorrectly listed as 287 instead of 28.
Rairyu no Sutoraiki: Supposed to be 10 pts for the squad. Currently costs 10 pts per model.
Raimei Eko: Supposed to be 5 pts for the squad. Currently costs 5 pts per model.

Assur's picture

You don't have to make any tests.

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
Corvus's picture

More finds:

Bauhaus Doctrines: Bauhaus units can choose up to 2 doctrines from three lists as long as all doctrines taken are from a single list. If they aren't, then they are limited to 1 doctrine. As of right now, it's difficult to do that since choosing a Doktrin locks the other two (and you can't choose abilities without choosing a Doktrin list.)

Romanov Doktrin
-Schnell! Schnell! Schenll!: Currently adding incorrectly. It's adding +1 to the model count. (E.g. 5 models is 18 points, not 15).
-Smoke Flares: Are 5 pts. Currently marked as 10 pts (and apply 10 pts)
-Los Jetz!: Currently adding incorrect. It's adding +1 to the model count.
-Precise Positioning: Currently costing 3 pts a model (and also adding in an extra model) for Troops. 6 points for Support models (but strangely calculates number of models right)

Bernheim Doktrin
-Steady Aim: Costs 3 pts per model. AB is having it as 3 pts per squad.

Richthausen Doktrin
-Flankenangriff: Costs 10 pts per Support squad, AB currently does 10 pts per model. Costs 15 points per LV squad. AB currently does 15 pts per model -and- miscounts an extra model.
-Panzergruppe is +20 for the squad, not per vehicle in the squad.

Vulcan Battlesuit
-These have the option to have one of the following:
A pair of Hydraulic Powered Fists
MG-80 HMG and Powered Fist
JS66 Flamethrower and Powered Fist
MG-80 HMG and Flamethrower

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
Corvus's picture

You're welcome! I'm incredibly grateful for what you're doing so if I can make it better by finding problems, I will!

When I get a chance, I'll sit down and notate it further as I go through Brotherhood, Bauhaus and Imperial.

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
jtisdel's picture

Thanks, Corvus! I will get to work on these.


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