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Kranky_Panda's picture

This is the first I've heard of tabletop rules for the AvP setting. The Hunt Begins was clearly designed with expansion onto the tabletop in mind, and I can't wait until it's done. It looks like the stats follow the Warzone profiles and I'd love to be able to play the factions in either game. I know they're not part of the same universe, so cannon-wise it might not work, but for fun's sake, I think some preds or xenos tearing through some Capitol or Bauhaus troops would be enjoyable :)

Feralzen's picture

Nice work!
Someone at Prodos is clearly a Starcraft fan! Some of the sculpts have strong similarities to the IP.

MaxPinto's picture

Lol, those online services are terrible almost everywhere.
In my life I have faced several problems with them and no one knows when will be the nest failure with them. Recently I addressed the service to [url=]buy essay[/url] online and I guess this is the best service ever for now which I completely trust.

So update us if you tackled the issue.

jplawle's picture

They are in general really bad with responding to e-mails. Don't expect much.

jplawle's picture

I have been trying for over a week myself. In general their customer support is horrible. Certainly the last products I'm getting from them.

Commented on: Rules Questions
Assur's picture

You can pivot as much as you want during walk/run/charge actions. It's been already answered on this forum:

irish1983's picture

Package arrived 1 month after I sent the form in.

releaser22's picture

It's been more that 2 weeks now. I also tried the FB page with no luck.

irish1983's picture

Like I said it may just "show up" to your house. I didnt get a response one time but still got the missing parts.

Kriegspiel's picture

Weel finally I prefer something more cyberpunk


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