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jplawle's picture

Yep. Not much point in ordering things when the money might just be thrown away. It's getting close to a month now and while they finally sent me a message I still haven't even seen a tracking number.

BoomBoomBoom's picture


Thanks for helping. If u could post the links that would be great. I am not a Facebook fan but needs must :-)

Do u know if the full v2 rules are there to download with the cards etc ?


irish1983's picture

Yet another pesron who can press an "I agree" button, but not be bothered to read what they are agreeing to. Yet finds the time to track down a forum, register, then post that they cant be bothered to read anyhting they agree to. I hope this one atleast thanks you Bogend.

(Because I am super sick and have no patience):

I wonder if kick starter will ever require a test to see if a person who wants to back a project can stand up in a two foot pool. The ones who can stand on their own two feet get to proceed while the ones who flail around and almost drown get politely told "this seems to complicated for you; but you can go play in the sand box if you'd like,...but try to not eat the sand ok?"

Commented on: My predalien
irish1983's picture

I think its cool.

irish1983's picture

I have been trying for over a week myself. In general their customer support is horrible. Certainly the last products I'm getting from them.


releaser22's picture

Took veeery long to actually manage to have someone to look into my issue but when i managed to do so, i got the replacement parts i needed very fast.

Bogend's picture

Firstly, and I am not trying to be confrontational here, you backed a kick starter not ordered a product which is entirely different. Secondly are you a member of the Kickstarter facebook group, if not I suggest that you join it and you will find much useful information there. In brief the Kickstarter items are being sent out, however Prodos have said that they will group all the items into one package. That means that if you have in your pledge items that have yet to be approved by Fox or haven't yet been made they will not send out any remaining ks items. At the minute the cloaked predators, resin terrain, alternate marines have yet to be released. The war game rule book is due for release on the 17th of March.
There are a couple of ways to get any outstanding items, these are to collect from a show where Prodos are in attendance, or you can make an order via the Prodos games website. If you make a comment on the order they will send any outstanding items that are available with your order.
Hope this helps.

Commented on: Upcoming models?
Krionah's picture

Thx :)

Bogend's picture

There are a number of facebook groups that I can send you details of if you are interested. I wouldn't say that the updates are regular but you are much more likely to find out stuff if you are prepared to scroll back through them a bit. Obviously with the unleashed, war game rules, and V2 of the hunt begins coming up a lot to the newer stuff has been rehashing what has been said before about the Ks and the state of items.

BoomBoomBoom's picture

Hi Bogena

Thanks for the reply. I was not aware of the grouping of the order. I already paid extra the last time. It would be good to Prodos to send an update out.



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