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jplawle's picture

I have worked with GW as well, actually had quick turn arounds from them. 1 day turn around on the response and 2 weeks for the part. I understand that the part comes from a long way away, the problem is not in how long it takes to get the part but in how long it takes to get any response. It took two weeks for them to send me an e-mail, and then only because I sent a message to their facebook account. They are the ones that told me they would give me a tracking number. International companies use them as well.

Commented on: Customer Support
jplawle's picture

They said use the mispacked or misplaced order link. That was the one I started with.

Commented on: Customer service
jplawle's picture

I can barely get someone to respond to me. What contact form did you use?

irish1983's picture

Kinda feel like your being a bit dramatic here. Prodos is not GW dude (thank god). They are based in Poland. IE package might be held by customs, etc, whatever. SO many variables. Bottom line is if you get your replacements from over seas in a months time thats not bad. I buy miniatures from all over the world and a two week turn around would be impressive to me. Also tracking number? They dont have USPS man, have you ever tried to "track" a package you have sent over seas? Not that man carriers provide that between countries reliably (as in you may have tracking but it will say things like "left poland, arrived in US port, delivered"). Its not gonna say 4 days to expected delivery package currently on cargo plane landing in continental US...

Commented on: Customer service
irish1983's picture

when I filled out the form for missing arms for one of my marines I got it in the mail within a month from Poland (actually they gave me all the arms to be safe).

Commented on: Online Orders
irish1983's picture

I was reluctant but the Cheyenne is such an awesome model I decided to bite the bullet. I'm considering a letter to Trading Standards as I've paid for good/services and they've accepted payment but not fulfilled on the contract.

I totally agree with you, love the sculpts on AvP but I'm losing patience now; I'd be more amicable if they just bothered to respond in some way!


Commented on: Customer Support
irish1983's picture

Did you ask that person the best way to get in contact with them in the future? Would be smart.

irish1983's picture

HAHA ok you want help? Here you go:

1. Typing "PLEDGE!!!!" in your posts topic makes you look petulanet.
2. Try being polite and use complete sentences not "I have sent many contact prodos games".
3. If your not gonna take the time to be thoughtful and provide "real" information then your being rude (expect it in kind). This is not a Prodos Q&A forum "dude". The people who generaly post here don't work for Prodos.
4. If you wanted a response from Prodos themselves maybe try not being an ass in your leading statement?
5. I am not assuming anything, you have failed to either comprehend what you agreed to or honestly never bothered to even read what you agreed. I base this soley on the limited text you yourself have provided in your OP. Its contains statements and assumptions that are false.
6. If you dont want "people who can stand up in the two foot pool" to poke fun at you for not being able to get "your product you ordered" after literally years. Then take a breathe make sure your atleast wearing your life vest (because you do need help), and try looking at what you posted from someone elses perspective.
7. Try this: "Hey I am trying to collect my pledge for AVP. I havent gotten anything from my pledge and I would like to know if anyone can help me with info on how they got their stuff please? I have tried (the email you sent "15 times" to), and havent gotten a response. Thanks in advance.

Aheldt's picture

Hey Irish1983, that fact that you are completely rude and inconsiderate proves a point to everyone " I'm a jackass who can't bother to offer help" maybe if you were reading what I wrote originally you might be more engaging in a constructive conversation. I have emailed more than 15 times and no answer I have even called and left messages with no answers. The fact that you state I didn't read the required documentation regarding a Kickstarter is completely incorrect. I also got concerned when I hear a second wave of rules are incoming and see products have been out for some time now, but hey I'll just play and in the "sandbox" while I hope you and people like you with one less chromosome try toevolve and learn to respect people, and if you can't get off my forum post.

Commented on: Customer service
jplawle's picture

I have gotten a response, but no replacement product. You aren't alone.


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