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irish1983's picture

christ is this still going on.

i picked up the game almost 2 years ago in a wargame shop and some people STILL don't have their KS stuff

if that's true it's bloody scandalous and people having a go at someone who is rightly pissed off with having paid out money and not got anything is IMHO bang out of order as well

if the explanation above is true re Prodos won't send stuff if your pledge includes bits still waiting for a licence then that's just smoke and mirror bullshit that people hide behind so they don't supply backers

i see shops are still getting and selling core game boxes though

come on Prodos answer the persons emails and sort this shit out once and for all. perhaps this is why i can't remeber seeing another Prodos KS since AvP, as no-one would touch it with the proverbial shitty stick, i know i wouldn't

Why cant people read and comprehend? I just dont get it. You can get to be upset about somtheing you legaly agreed to, but your gonna look like a fool when you bitch about it. "Smoke and mirros", PLEASE.... If you sign an agreement that says I will receive "X" items when "x" items have been LEGALLY made available (As in Fox says cool, and the material "X" was being made out of isn't suddenly banned in the UK) then dont whine when they arent "LEGALLY" available.

Your like the people in the South Park human cent-ipad episode. "NOOOO WHY CAN'T IT READ".

There are soooo many ways to get your KS stuff, but you have to not be a human cent-ipad. fricken read and ask questions (try politely). Dont assume and bitch. Dont flail your head at the key board and expect mercy. No one likes you when your a bitchy flailing human cent-ipad.

phoenixman's picture

christ is this still going on.

i picked up the game almost 2 years ago in a wargame shop and some people STILL don't have their KS stuff

if that's true it's bloody scandalous and people having a go at someone who is rightly pissed off with having paid out money and not got anything is IMHO bang out of order as well

if the explanation above is true re Prodos won't send stuff if your pledge includes bits still waiting for a licence then that's just smoke and mirror bullshit that people hide behind so they don't supply backers

i see shops are still getting and selling core game boxes though

come on Prodos answer the persons emails and sort this shit out once and for all. perhaps this is why i can't remeber seeing another Prodos KS since AvP, as no-one would touch it with the proverbial shitty stick, i know i wouldn't

jplawle's picture

And my point is I just want a response. The product is important but more important is that they actually talk to me. I can understand shipping problems or lack of product problems and give some slack. What I can't understand is refusal to even respond to a message. All you do is respond to an e-mail and tell me what is happening. I have dealt with a lot of companies in 15 years or so of gaming of various types. And while some of them don't move very quickly in sending you the part, it is usually free so they use slow shipping which is what I do expect, they do at least talk to you. I used to train people for customer service and studies have found while people do want help what they want more than anything is to feel like their problem is at least heard and understood by the company.

Commented on: Customer service
jplawle's picture

Sounds like a good kit bash to me.

Commented on: Customer service
CadeStevens's picture

I got the wrong arm for one of my mariens so I had duplicates for another so I used spare parts from my warhammer 40,000 bits and made a prosthetic cybernetic arm like Cruz's leg from aliens colonial marines and it works pretty well

Kwnos's picture

Thanks mate. Opens up some possibilities.

Assur's picture

If a model has the same ability (X) at different levels, or is affected by the same ability at different levels, only
count the ability at the highest level.

So I'd say McBride can't benefit from 2 same Leader (2/Blood Berets) abilities. But Asteroid Belt Medal gives you a different ability (Life Dragoons are not the same as Blood Berets) so you could have 2 BB and 2 LD as troops.

Bogend's picture

Sorry I don't know about the v2 rules and cards going up as freebies on the official site. I think they are there on one of the facebook groups at least what was going to go in was posted on there and it looked really promising.
As for facebook groups try
AVP THB Kickstarter backers only. You obviously need to be a KS backer and be approved.
AVP Prodos games official
And lastly
AVP the hunt begins. This is another closed group.
Happy gaming.

Commented on: Customer Support
irish1983's picture

Form worked for me and my friend.

irish1983's picture

That is my point. Prodos is not GW, no one else in this industry has an entire department dedicated to customer service with dozens of giant warehouses filled with product in multipul continents. Yet it takes them two weeks to get you your stuff (lets ignore that they freaken speak English as a first language).

Also not even the US postal service can track your package once it leaves our borders. Unless your paying for global express where the package is bascially handle almost exclusivekly by USPS employees your tracking number means you get to read (left port, arrived at port, being processed, delivered).

Honestly both I am everyone else I have ever meet in person ahs gotten their issues with Prodos solved within a months time. If they didnt do that they told the person why IE "those are not in production yet, or they are back ordered we are making more".


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