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Darek's picture

Mnie rużnica wielkości nie przeszkadza, te figurki wykorzystam tylko w grze. Do bitewniaka I tak kupie dodatkowe zestawy, które mogę wykożystać w planszówce zamiast tych.

Gacu666's picture

Yeah the marines are a failure in compare with the old resin :(. I'm still thinking how to counter that. Even mixing up the models won't help.

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Gacu666's picture

Predators are least affected, about 2-3mm so not noticeable at all. I don't have the cloaked Predators so I can't compare unfortunately.

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Shinnentai's picture

Wow - that's pretty noticeable!

Makes me worry about the scale of the cloaked predators o.o

Shinnentai's picture

Agreed - I recall from his postings a couple of months ago that irish1983 places the blame for anyone not having our pledges yet entirely at the door of the backers. If we're not incompetent in filling out the pledge manager then we're trolls or liars. If we're not either of those then clearly we haven't been pro-active enough in contacting Prodos (because apparently they can't be trusted to send the pledges without our continued prompting).

Afterall, everyone *he* knows has their stuff, so Prodos can't possibly have ignored anyone else, can they? Never mind the Facebook updates from Jarek where he's admitted that pledges are still being sent out.

Really reminds me of that Brandon Leigh guy who comments on Prodos' Facebook page - always blaming the KS backers for not contacting Prodos, but never actually giving an e-mail address that actually produces a response!

Personally I'm waiting for Prodos to finally finish production on the cloaked predators before attempting to contact them by e-mail, so that I can get my whole pledge in one go.

phoenixman's picture

really, is that what you do.

from your posts here you seem to be telling people to 'get over it' and move on, which is rich coming from someone who has 99% of their stuff and as one poster said, being rude with it.

what you should be doing is empathising with those that have nothing. if you can't do that, please don't post anymore.

dophin26's picture

You ruined points one and two with the "your" in point three. I'll let the "gonna" go. You also used "your" incorrectly the second time, so I quit reading after point three.

You're = you are.


dophin26's picture

Firstly, and I am not trying to be confrontational here, you backed a kick starter not ordered a product which is entirely different.

C'mon, you can't possibly believe that. Sure, that was the original intent of Kickstarter, but we all know what it has become.

irish1983's picture

I didnt really read the whole thing (why would I). After 3 years of "torture" your just a masochistt with an axe to grind. I reply to thread posts from people who want their KS but have failed to aquire it in the hopes that they get it; and then move on or become a productive member of the forums.

phoenixman's picture

Oh Irish, you do make me laugh,

you accuse me of running round like chicken little, when on some of the entries i have actually followed YOU on those threads as a poster, having a go at earlier entries from people, then you go on to say you have most of your stuff apart from the cloaked preds and your friend has ALL his stuff, yet you seem to be unsympathetic to those that after 3 LONG TORTUROUS YEARS they have NOTHING, NARDA, ZIP.

i bought the game in my local gaming store and then looked up the Prodos site to see if i wanted to get more stuff. when i saw the posts on the forum, which by the way was the old one not this new shiny site, i read that although i got the game 'retail' a lot of people had got nothing except broken promises and non deliveries. i then saw like a lot of others on another post that Prodos had stuck a picture of themselves having a 'well earned' xmas lunch at their premises, which again didn't go down to well with those people who had still to receive their PAID FOR pledges.

all the backers got from Prodos that xmas was a dose of very cold turkey...

no wonder Prodos took the old site down, bet it was embaressing for them and no wonder they aren't using KS anymore (or not that i've seen) as not many will touch them after this debacle

the backers then learnt that the reason it went to retail was apparently due to a 'miscalculation' of carriage costs to send KS pledges and the only way to fund further deliveries to KS backers was sell 'their' KS games as retail to get more money in, so in effect selling the game twice.

call me old fashioned if i think that's wrong, but surely taking something someone has paid for and then selling it elsewhere instead of sending it to someone who has handed over money for that item is in my opinion down right despicable.

after i bought my game i learnt that one of my gaming friends was caught up in this sorry mess, which is why i feel so strongly about it, and i think he may even still be waiting for quite a bit to arrive, unlike you and your friend.

now you say you have pre-ordered v2 and seem happy to share that, yet seem to have no empathy for those backers who have not a single mini to their name yet. i really hope you do get your pre-order but i still say it is wrong to sell v2 before all the KS backers have at least the v1 core game, which clearly isn't the case reading posts on this forum.

earlier you were called rude, i just think you are being unsympathetic and do not empathise with fellow gamers, as you clearly state they didn't respond to your missing pieces form but got them in under a month, trying thinking less about a few missing pieces for a month and try and imagine not getting a single thing for 3 years...


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