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irish1983's picture

Another example of the risks involved in backing is the REAPER BONES line KS. A company in China was producing all hte models and then they where to be shipped out for distribution by REAPER. The company/ies in China held the models and wanted to renegotiate their contratc "after all the orders were filled and ready to be shipped". REAPER has no control over that happening, and people paid out a ton of money and all their stuff is sitting in containers in China (last I heard). Kick starters are always a risk, and yeah its shitty fi you dont get your stuff, but anyone who does back a project needs to really "read" the agreements and the "risks" section. Business ventures go south sometimes.

irish1983's picture

Not sure. Last time we spoke about it he just said he was still waiting for stuff, but to be honest it doesn't matter what any backer is still waiting for as after three years every backer should have everything they paid for and especially as v2 is being pushed out

Just because we are gamers we shouldn't expect any different treatment than any other purchaser of goods

Don't you think it's shitty that if people have a go because they feel pissed at not having their pledges that they then get banned for saying as much

Just shows the sort of people they were dealing with from the start. Glad i missed the KS

Sort of agree, but if FOX and then the UK cause delays (outside of PRODOS's own delays) then as a backer you shouldnt be blaming PRODOS. Those are production and development issues the KS plainly laid out as possibilities (As a backer I took the risk funding). We didnt really "purchase" anything, and thats why it's hard for me too be as frustrated as you are. I have backed projects where on half the goals got meet, and I am not going to get my money back (backing is investing its not "purchasing" there are no guarantees). I dont blame you for being cool with not having backed the KS as it hasnt been a quick turn around or fully achieved its goals yet.

phoenixman's picture

Not sure. Last time we spoke about it he just said he was still waiting for stuff, but to be honest it doesn't matter what any backer is still waiting for as after three years every backer should have everything they paid for and especially as v2 is being pushed out

Just because we are gamers we shouldn't expect any different treatment than any other purchaser of goods

Don't you think it's shitty that if people have a go because they feel pissed at not having their pledges that they then get banned for saying as much

Just shows the sort of people they were dealing with from the start. Glad i missed the KS

irish1983's picture

Well thats good your not banned and your not a backer. Would have complicated things. I asked because it seemed a common thing for the few posters still saying they didnt get anything (that they got banned).

Is your friend just waiting on the things that arent in production then?

Assur's picture

There are no stat cards for the current version of the rules, they used to be made for the now obsolete 1.0-1.4 rules. So you got everything you should've got (model + base).

As for flash, I think there is no pattern that would apply to all Prodos models. It is my impression that they've experimented with different casting methods and resin mixtures over the years (and they still do) so some of their models will have more flash, others will have much less.

Commented on: Problem solved
CadeStevens's picture

I have used the same email and the last time I recieved a message from someone they said my past emails to customer service had gone to spam

phoenixman's picture


I don't use FB and have never had a FB account so i cant be banned from something i cant post on, so whoever they have banned it isn't me and if it is what a waste as i don't have FB account.

Would be funny if it wasn't tragic...

My friend got some stuff late last year but is still waiting for more to arrive. I bought retail and no the 'friend' isn't me.

One person on BoW post called Tasker re the Salute Predator reckons they are taking the piss, as backers still waiting.. 'nuff said' methinks

Commented on: Problem solved
irish1983's picture

Cade was it the first time they told you it might have gone to spam? Then you resent and now its been a month since then?

You will get better results if you keep future posts less agressive. Im not saying you dont have a right to be mad, but the preson who either helped you (and the box might be on its way they ship from Poland), or who you want to help you might not be the reaosn your game had a miss packed item in it.

What email did you use to send in your report for the missing part/s? Also they are a Polish based company so unles you speak Polish a phone number might not be a great idea.

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Gacu666's picture

I'm going to use them on proper bases so the height difference should be negligible. I wouldn't mix them with older resins, looked hilarious :D.

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Shinnentai's picture

Thanks for the pics - not as bad as I thought from the smartgun comparison - some of which must be down to the male/female models. As you say, the rifles seem to hae shrunk quite a bit though!

I think in a big force on the tabletop they mix okay - especially once painted. Just not together in the same squad.


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