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Gacu666's picture

Mostly cosmetic changes and the printed one has no "printables" section.

shoa's picture

I agree completely. It would be nice to have the stat cards reintroduced for version 2.

irish1983's picture

i agree if there are issues which Prodos have no control over then these can cause delays, HOWEVER, a LOT of backers seem to have had their stuff which doesn't excuse Prodos in any way re those that haven't.

if there were issues from other companies causing non shipment NO-ONE would have had anything and that is clearly not the case.

so IMHO Prodos don't have a leg to stand on...

Fair enough.

Atto's picture

i have Another question about GR typ weapons. What RS modifiers apply to a GR typ weapon? Since you do not target a model then no hard to hit, camoflage or size bonus apply? Correct? But does long range and cover apply? if you shoot through a cover?

Assur's picture

Grenades target a point on the ground, not a model. So you can't choose the location as the vehicle isn't targeted.

phoenixman's picture

i agree if there are issues which Prodos have no control over then these can cause delays, HOWEVER, a LOT of backers seem to have had their stuff which doesn't excuse Prodos in any way re those that haven't.

if there were issues from other companies causing non shipment NO-ONE would have had anything and that is clearly not the case.

so IMHO Prodos don't have a leg to stand on...

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Gacu666's picture

I don't mind that the female version is smaller (look at vasquez and Drake), I'm annoyed that the Smart Gun is noticeably smaller ;).

Thank you for the nice words about the bases :). I took some time to made them to look the part. It was an easy job though, I just copied the NECA alien figure, fits nicely :)

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
irish1983's picture

Yeah I am actually ok with the scale change after seeing them on bases. The MG model is the most noticeable, and I can always imagine thats just a female marine.

EDIT: By the way I love the green stuffed bases Good job with those.

Commented on: Problem solved
irish1983's picture

Lame, well have you tried this:

Thats what I used before and I got my stuff in about three weeks (heads up they didnt reply to my form that I noticed, but I didnt really seek out a reply from them). I just sent the form in with a picture of my work table with the mairnes on it missing some arms.


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