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User's forum posts

irish1983's picture


Your banned from the FB page for "criticism of PRODOS" (IE not being productive and inflamitory or possibly worse), and now your here becasue you have no other recourse? I read more of the forum posts and this occured to me as a posibility (I did not just skim through them and then dismiss you or your opinion). As another side note "a lot" of the "backers" who are still haivng an issue for the majority of the later half of the topic seem to be just a few people. With the majority being non backers who weigh in.

irish1983's picture

here you go

read the first few pages then the last few just to get the general gist of the feelings. started almost 2 years ago and STILL people are posting on this, just like here because they have had NOTHING

the old site i am refering to was the old Prodos website and forum where they got hauled over the coals by backers about not getting stuff, games going to retail stores instead of backers, broken promises, failed deliveries, more broken promises, more failed deliveries, 'we've lost you in,our system, so we don't know your're a backer type s**t', broken promises again, smiling staff in xmas lunch pic whilst more broken promises...

do i need to go on or do you get the picture.... wonder why they took the old site down, put up a shiny new one but didn't transfer all the old forum posts over (or not that i see anyway)

the people who HAVE posted here look to me as if they HAVE repeatedly tried to contact PRODOS but with no success. read the first post from Aheldt, they say they have made many attempts to contact prodos with no contact back.

even yourself said you got no reply but got your few bits, well maybe they got no reply and no KS pledge because there wasn't any to send so they just didn't respond. who knows... oh yeah hang on Prodos know, but according to the people with no pledge, they aren't letting in on the secret of where the pledges are after all these years.

christ, you could have ordered the game, committed a crime, gone to jail, come out, and still NOT have anything to play

So I read what you suggested and the general feel is that some backers got their stuff, and that others are in a que to be shipped out to. There wasnt much in the way of anyone really providing "proof" when they got really heated (big surprise). That FOX delayed AVP's first production run for about year to begin with (not a big surprise), and that PRODOS probably fucked up on their contract and are required to send to retailers by FOX to maintain their liscense (but not before saying to the backers that they would ship to them after the first batch went to retailers...which doesnt look good).

So PRODOS has been basicaly scrambling to get it out to the backers even after 3 years, but have managed to maintain the games developement and not have their liscense dropped by FOX.

Sounds like they know they messed up/got dealt a crappy dose of business reality by FOX and are trying to honor their backers (recently announced as you say they are still sending). I dont think it's all their fault though, nor that the BoW forumites think it's all their fault (some like you certainly do).

The other side of the coin is people like me who have had a good experience with PRODOS, but thats not everyone in regards to the AVP KS.

Just because I think a lot of people "really" didnt actually read what they agreed to "exactly". Can you tell me what date the KS order your friends pledge says he will recieve his reward?

On the topic of the whole "no reply" thing. I did get a reply. It was in the mail in the form of a box from PRODOS with all my missing parts less than a month from when I informed them of my issue. When my friend who also is a backer found out the second batch pof rewards where going out he talked to PRODOS and he got his like two weeks later. As for other customers I know who had packing erros they all got their missing pieces be they alien bodies or basses in a reasonable amount of time.

It does strike me as odd that your so passionate about this, becasue as you say your not even a backer and have never had PRODOS not give you what you purchased (As you purchased the game in a retail store if I remeber correctly). Did you buy it when it first came out? A year after your friend who is a supposed backer still hadnt gotten his reward? Maybe your that friend and you bought the game in store becasue you were tired of waiting and are mad becasue your actual reward still hasnt made it to you?

Has "your friend" joined the priovate backer FB page yet?

phoenixman's picture

here you go

read the first few pages then the last few just to get the general gist of the feelings. started almost 2 years ago and STILL people are posting on this, just like here because they have had NOTHING

the old site i am refering to was the old Prodos website and forum where they got hauled over the coals by backers about not getting stuff, games going to retail stores instead of backers, broken promises, failed deliveries, more broken promises, more failed deliveries, 'we've lost you in,our system, so we don't know your're a backer type s**t', broken promises again, smiling staff in xmas lunch pic whilst more broken promises...

do i need to go on or do you get the picture.... wonder why they took the old site down, put up a shiny new one but didn't transfer all the old forum posts over (or not that i see anyway)

the people who HAVE posted here look to me as if they HAVE repeatedly tried to contact PRODOS but with no success. read the first post from Aheldt, they say they have made many attempts to contact prodos with no contact back.

even yourself said you got no reply but got your few bits, well maybe they got no reply and no KS pledge because there wasn't any to send so they just didn't respond. who knows... oh yeah hang on Prodos know, but according to the people with no pledge, they aren't letting in on the secret of where the pledges are after all these years.

christ, you could have ordered the game, committed a crime, gone to jail, come out, and still NOT have anything to play

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Gacu666's picture

Some comparison shots:


On further inspection and adjusting the height difference by adding a temporary base I must say it's not that bad. One thing that bothers me the most is the smaller version of the smartgun (about 1mm shorter) and 2 of the M41A1's that are also shorter (look at the magazine on the last model). Could be a different model of a gun (carbine?) and it's not that noticeable from the distance, altough I still think that the models should be about 10% bigger and that wouldn't be a problem at all.

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Gacu666's picture

Yeah I can do that this evening, I'll put them on simillar height bases.

irish1983's picture

Share the link in your response? I dont know what old site your refering to exactly? Honestly im not trying to piss you off, im just bone tired of all the negativity from posters that wont even bother to get help (As in askng for it instead of making angry statements about stuff they dont bother to back up with anything I or anyone else can actually read or help them with..then going off on paragraphs of writing trying to justify something I dondt even know exists because they dont bother to show me).

If there are a bunch of posters with substance in their posts about how PRODOS has done them wrong im all game to read it. If they are a bunch of posters like the OP then they are trolls flaming. All it takes is someone to post something with substance that I can read and varify and I will not be a dick to them (Otherwise they are asking for it).

Otherwise it's like some random dude in a park saying that "AMAZON doesnt honor its return policy on electronics!!!!!"...and then argueing that becasue people who have returned electronics before are wrong and amazon commonly cheats people who try to return electronics (While also never showing their order anything at all to back their claim).

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Shinnentai's picture

Could we get some side-by-side shots of the 1st and 2nd ed marines please, Gacu? (perhaps with some coins under the new ones so the bases are level with the old?)

Can't really tell scaling from the close-up shots as the 2nd ed guys are in front!

phoenixman's picture

The proof as i said before was on the old site plus take a look on the Beasts of War forums and you'll find a thread on there too with 55 pages of posts from disgruntled people etc.

I didn't say Prodos were malicious but they have been continuously called misleading at best and worse in some posts

Check out page 1 for someone commenting on Prodos selling retail to fund KS backers carriage costs

The latest posts are very recent. Read some and then reflect on them

irish1983's picture


so you blame people directly for not getting something, who just like you and your friend handed over good money for PRODOS to send them the items when the KS was ready to ship. that attitude stinks, and it seems you are still firmly in the camp of 'sod you lot, i've got my stuff, so i'm alright'.

That is not what im saying at all sorry you read it that way

it was widely reported PRODOS sent games out to stores instead of KS backers because apparently they made an error on shipping costs, how long does this need to continue before everyone gets at least the core game, but more importantly, EVERYTHING they paid for UP FRONT.

What? Widely reported? Show me.

plus, if you had bothered to read posts properly you will have read i bought my game RETAIL not via KS, but my friend did, who is still waiting for stuff, and a lot more than clear preds by the way.

No I read your other post in a desperate thread about how you bought yours in a store. Yet you type as though your a disgruntled Backer, and spend a good deal of time posting on backer related issues like you have backed the KS. Which you did not. If your friend is still missing his stuff tell him to join the private Backer FB group. If he has his info It should be easy to find out when he will get his stuff etc. Or he can even make an “order” from this websites online store with a note with his information and he can get his stuff sooner.

i am commenting on this because i don't like gamers being ripped off (for want of a better phrase), period, whether myself or anyone else for that matter.

Neither do I, but you havent shown me thats the case for you being frustrated, in fact you have posted you have your stuff and not said anything regarding any issue you have experienced from PRODOS.

what companies like PRODOS forget is that without customers they are NOTHING. gaming isn't an essential necessity for life, and we spend what money we can afford on luxuries like boardgames and figures, and yes i do see them as a luxury as they don't help me live or exist day to day.

I agree in part, but “you” are in a minority when it comes to your opinion on PRODOS (granted a loud and persistent one). Im nto saying your opinion isnt vaild BTW, im saying show me why your mad. Actually show me. Dont just flood boards with BS like the OP did. You WILL get made fun of for that.

if companies piss off too many customers they simply fold and the people behind them lose their living, as well as the staff they employ, which is not good for anyone concerned and more importantly, their families.

That does not seem to be the case at all with PRODOS. Hell GW is WAY more offeensive not only to it's customers but to its distributors or as they call it “their direct competition”.

when people spend money on a KS project they are fully aware of the risks, but to not get stuff 3 years on from when they should have, is a bit of a kick in the teeth for those concerned. this isn't me saying the 3 years thing, it's in posts from disgruntled backers, read them again and see what they are saying, and why they are angry

I think that perhaps some posters are very much not aware of the risks or their responsibilities in regards to a backer agreement.

you mention the word 'abandoning' when in relation to backers, but that is exactly how they must feel when people such as yourself go on about what you have, and having to wait a month for missing pieces...

your posts come across as selfish and rude, and you do not help the cause of those that are still without their pledge. the people on here are asking for support, from PRODOS and people like yourself, that's all.

Your opinion.

perhaps, instead of having a go at the people on here who want their stuff, why don't you also send an email to PRODOS, and post on threads like this, asking them to sort out other fellow gamers who PRODOS have yet to furnish with their paid for pledge rather than the direction your posts have gone previously.[/quote]

Because your already wasting my time (on occasion this pays off and someone reads, comprehends, does the research/flolows through, and then they get their stuff). What would you have me write? That an anonymous poster with zero manners is publicly demanding something they haven't substantiated in anyway and that upsets me? That they should track down that unreasonable individual who cant bother to even attempt a barely poilte or atleast curt question regarding the potential fuck up that they haven't gotten something?

Have you done this for your friend? Have you taken his information to PRODOS and asked “hey can my friend get some help please? This is his information for the KS with all his relevant Backer info so you know im not some guy wasting your time? He has been waiting for about 3 years and is curious why he hasnt gotten his stuff when others have?

PRODOS isn't malicious dude, but they are human.

EDIT: You know it's funny becasue I have actually helped a friend do this very thing...and YEAH he does have his stuff now. he posted politely on FB and he giot a message from PRODOS to him asking for his informtaion. It's just so simple, you can read anyones posts by clicking on their forum ID. Try to find a polite post asking for help from the OP or even you yourself Phoenixman.

phoenixman's picture


so you blame people directly for not getting something, who just like you and your friend handed over good money for PRODOS to send them the items when the KS was ready to ship. that attitude stinks, and it seems you are still firmly in the camp of 'sod you lot, i've got my stuff, so i'm alright'.

it was widely reported PRODOS sent games out to stores instead of KS backers because apparently they made an error on shipping costs, how long does this need to continue before everyone gets at least the core game, but more importantly, EVERYTHING they paid for UP FRONT.

plus, if you had bothered to read posts properly you will have read i bought my game RETAIL not via KS, but my friend did, who is still waiting for stuff, and a lot more than clear preds by the way.

i am commenting on this because i don't like gamers being ripped off (for want of a better phrase), period, whether myself or anyone else for that matter.

what companies like PRODOS forget is that without customers they are NOTHING. gaming isn't an essential necessity for life, and we spend what money we can afford on luxuries like boardgames and figures, and yes i do see them as a luxury as they don't help me live or exist day to day.

if companies piss off too many customers they simply fold and the people behind them lose their living, as well as the staff they employ, which is not good for anyone concerned and more importantly, their families.

when people spend money on a KS project they are fully aware of the risks, but to not get stuff 3 years on from when they should have, is a bit of a kick in the teeth for those concerned. this isn't me saying the 3 years thing, it's in posts from disgruntled backers, read them again and see what they are saying, and why they are angry

you mention the word 'abandoning' when in relation to backers, but that is exactly how they must feel when people such as yourself go on about what you have, and having to wait a month for missing pieces...

your posts come across as selfish and rude, and you do not help the cause of those that are still without their pledge. the people on here are asking for support, from PRODOS and people like yourself, that's all.

perhaps, instead of having a go at the people on here who want their stuff, why don't you also send an email to PRODOS, and post on threads like this, asking them to sort out other fellow gamers who PRODOS have yet to furnish with their paid for pledge rather than the direction your posts have gone previously.


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