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irish1983's picture

Agreed - I recall from his postings a couple of months ago that irish1983 places the blame for anyone not having our pledges yet entirely at the door of the backers. If we're not incompetent in filling out the pledge manager then we're trolls or liars. If we're not either of those then clearly we haven't been pro-active enough in contacting Prodos (because apparently they can't be trusted to send the pledges without our continued prompting).

Afterall, everyone *he* knows has their stuff, so Prodos can't possibly have ignored anyone else, can they? Never mind the Facebook updates from Jarek where he's admitted that pledges are still being sent out.

Really reminds me of that Brandon Leigh guy who comments on Prodos' Facebook page - always blaming the KS backers for not contacting Prodos, but never actually giving an e-mail address that actually produces a response!

Personally I'm waiting for Prodos to finally finish production on the cloaked predators before attempting to contact them by e-mail, so that I can get my whole pledge in one go.

Here we go...

This forum is not a customer service venue. People helping here are volunteering time and have no affiliation with PRODOS. If you want someone with the ability to directly help you with a response or PM then the OP and anyone like him/her should take the time to think about what would actually get them results (instead of derision).

Someone. Anyone. Please show me when I state that "all KS issues are squarely the fault of backers and that no blame can be placed on PRODOS"? That statement never happened. Your floundering and trying to misdirect.

If the OP isn't a liar then they just have really crappy etiquette, and for some reason think that throwing a tantrum and not providing any kind of constructive input or actual information not even in a customer service or help section will help them solve their issues.

Shin, why would Jarek's announcement that they are still sending out KS pledges be odd? Or in the context of your statement implications of wrong doing? If there are backers who haven't specifically asked for part of their pledge early (via the proper way of doing that, like maybe asking on the private KS backer FB page you can join if your not a troll/liar) then quite a few backers will need to wait (as you are) for the rest of the AVP miniatures and scenery to be put into production (which is what ALL of us agreed to 3 years ago).

That said, "I obviously believe that the vast majority of people at this point who post like phoenixman and Aheldt are to blame for their inability to acquire their "paid for product" (Again, not what they agreed to if they are infact even real backers/buyers). They have not bothered to show that they are (Again please show me when this happened if it did infact occur).

I ask/asked everyone I have ever meet at a game store, a convention, a product display, etc if they play PRODOS games and if they backed AVP (I did not canvas the building I asked them if they had models, or looked at the models, and I or they where not playing a game already). I asked because I like being an informed consumer, and if the rumors that PRODOS isnt delivering on their end of KS deals was actually true. Then that would directly effect if I myself would support them and their products. Which I would not if I found that to be true. No one to date has “shown me that PRODOS is abandoning backers or buyers”.

As it turns out I was nervous when I myself had an issue with an order. As I have stated before in these forums I did not get a response to my missing product form, but I did get my missing product from them. All I had to do was look up how your supposed to do that, do it, and then wait. If they failed me or any of the people I know who not only backed, bought, and play AVP but also Warzone (which is way more popular here) I wouldn't be spending my time here. I wouldn't even be spending my time doing what some of you are doing (which is basically trying to slander without any substance).

"IF", you have genuinely just been swept under the rug by PRODOS games, then you shouldn't have much of an issue proving that you have been.

irish1983's picture

You ruined points one and two with the "your" in point three. I'll let the "gonna" go. You also used "your" incorrectly the second time, so I quit reading after point three.

You're = you are.



D511's picture

great job! thank you, Bogend :)

Bogend's picture

Your page numbers are wrong from the printed rule book. Are you using the Beta rules?
Anyway, the rules will state if you are guarded, p15 states that squad commanders are guarded within 2 inches of a friendly model from the same squad. There may well be other examples in the book but that is the first I found.
number 2 means engaged means the same as close combat. So basically if you shoot a flamer and hit a model that has a CCWR of 1 inch. Then any figures that it could fight in close combat, within an inch, also gets hit using the weapons ROF as the number of hits.
Stops you from sniping off figures in close combat with a flamer by placing the template over the enemy figure and avoiding your own. I also can't remember anything that stops you from shooting if you are within anyone's CCWR. Other that to reduce the shooters RS, however in this example the Shot auto hits so RS is not an issue.
Not sure about the -3. I use it all the time even if not in cover or half range but I may be wrong I haven't played using the big game rules.
Look at the colonists entry for a Psy weapon. I believe they have one.

Bogend's picture

Found Psy wpns now I look through my rule book. P22 states that "saving rolls against this weapon require a WP test and not and armour test and thus ignore IA. If an RS test is required WP is used instead".

Bogend's picture

Your right about RS and engaged models, How did I miss that.

D511's picture

Thank you for reply, Bogend!
Q1 is closed.
Q2 too, very clear explanation! :)
About "I also can't remember anything that stops you from shooting if you are within anyone's CCWR" - Ranged Combat section of rulebook, second paragraf: "Engaged models may not perform shooting actions." Engaged model - "on the same elevation as each other and within any combatant’s CCWR".
Q4 - colonist have Sonic Distortion Rifle (PSY), but there are no rules for PSY :) May be it is from Warzone rulebook.
Q3 is still unclear...

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Gacu666's picture

My collection so far :)




Alien Queen
Royal Guard
2 Predaliens
10 Warriors
26 Alien Infants
10 Stalkers
5 facehuggers (not present in the pictures as I forgot about them, haha)
Total 1111pts (not counting upgrades)



Power Loader
20 USCM Marines (5 each in squad)
10 commandos (5 each in squad)
4 sentries

I'm still waiting for the HQ's to be released by Prodos

Total 710pts (with weapons as I'm not going to replace these with anything else for now)



3 Plasma Caster Predator
3 Combi Stick Predator
3 Smart Disk Predator
3 Youngbloods
6 Hellhounds

Total 856pts (not counting any weapons)

And some comparison shots of the new Marines. Mostly I've got beef with the smartgun, but the rest is passable.


I really love the minis and I'm going to start painting them up really soon. The bases are done (just missing 2 bases, one for Alien Warrior and 1 for extra Alien infant that I managed to assemble from spares) and the facehuggers needs some cleaning up.
All I'm missing are some HQs for Marines which is a bummer, making some Elder Predators (probably just different colors, maybe a little cape or something) and some nice terrain, which I'm still thinking about, cause the Unleashed rulebook isn't very specific on which types of terrain should one play.

Bogend's picture

You do not get the same legal protection with crowd funding as with either a retail or mail order purchase. (It doesn't matter what I believe or not it is not the same as ordering a product or we would get the same protection. ) That is until someone gets a legal ruling in their favour gaining additional consumer protection from either the crowd funding site or the project admins. Which I am very much in favour of.
As to what crowd funding sites have become if you believe that they are an online preorder, that is not actually what they are, although I agree many companies appear to use them that way, rightly or wrongly.
Again not trying to be confrontational just stating facts.

Commented on: AVP 2.0 minis
Shinnentai's picture

Yeah I saw some more comparision pictures of the preds over on BGG - looked pretty much the same.

I don't *think* anyone has the clear preds yet (I'm hoping Prodos will send me my Kickstarter pledge once these are ready!), but I saw an image of the sprue posted over at DakkaDakka in the middle of March so hopefully not much longer to wait!!!


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