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Bogend's picture

Alt marines are still in development. The war games rules are due for release on the 17 th March as well as version 2 of the game and an upgrade kit that will upgrade your original version of the game with a new rule book, cards and tokens. I don't believe the war game rules will be sent out to ks backers who still have outstanding items awaiting production or approval by Fox until your whole order is complete. Are you aware of that? There are a couple of ways around that, those are to collect those parts of your order that are available from a show where Prodos are in attendance, or make an order via their on line shop. Just wait till the 17th or later so the rule book is out.

Commented on: Upcoming models?
Assur's picture


This is their release plan, nothing else is known for the moment. I would not expect february release plans to be fulfilled on time (they've already postponed releases in the past). But we've still got a few days till the end of the month, I have nothing against a pleasant surpise.

Commented on: Upcoming models?
Krionah's picture

Hello all!
I just started my adventure with Warzone Resurrection and I have a few questions.I understand that not all units indicated in the rulebook are physically have their models. When can we expect such models on sale?

Mordiggian's picture

Your dropship looks great! I just ordered mine and was thinking of ordering those decals. I'm assuming you used the 1/48 full set from JBot? How close was the scale? You mentioned having to mess with the large one on top, and I noticed the shape is different. Did you have to do a lot re-working to make them fit? How was the quality of the JBot decals?

Commented on: Customer service
Michał Hartliński's picture

Please check your Private Messages :)

Commented on: Customer Support
jplawle's picture

I got a response finally but I tried every single contact they had. Eventually got through on Facebook. No idea if it will do anything but I at least got a person.

Commented on: Customer Support
CadeStevens's picture

I've been waiting nearly a month for a response

Commented on: Official FAQ?
Assur's picture

Dunnagh is one of the rules authors, he's answered some questions that appeared here on the forum. So they do read it, just not very often I'm afraid.

They appear on Facebook more frequently, but questions asked there (and answers) get really hard to find as time passes.

Assur's picture

Personally I'd treat the models as "stuck" in the wall (RAW models cannot move through impassable terrain).

That said, I don't think there's a direct solution in the rules, so the way you solved it also seems acceptable.

Kranky_Panda's picture

I think you may be right Assur. I just re-read the rules for Napalm as well as Impassible Terrain. Where impassible terrain says models cannot be deployed in, or move through, the terrain leads me to believe that any models hit, would just be trapped in the wall of Napalm until the wall disappears at the end phase. So if the unit hadn't activated yet, and moved away from the wall, any models trapped would have to regain unit coherency, if they had been left by the unit.

The Napalm wall is different from the Wall of Flame resource ability in that it is impassible. Being stuck in the napalm doesn't cause additional damage outside of the initial hit, so I can see where the unit would be "pinned" in the template until the end phase.



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