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irish1983's picture

All the emails were sent from a single account right? Just maybe it was your email and their system not working out. I had a marine with a missing arm and after i fille dout the form I got an entire set of marine arms a month later in the mail (they did not respond to the form, but I have had them respond before).

It could have also been that you didnt provide appropriate information to even get a response. I dont like to assume as I can't read your emails, and I am not "making excuses for them". I just have never meet anyone in person once who hasnt had Prodos solve their issue (me personally included). I have a group of guys who love warzone and have never even played AVP and they also are happy with the service they got.

fleetingjoy's picture

Thanks :)

netminder69's picture

I checked my sent emails. 24 emails to with no reply. I also contacted Ninja Division who was used as the US distributor and I did get a reply from them, but sadly they couldn't help me. That's not customer service. That's a joke. But at least I finally got it.

RZ_Talon's picture

Ah.. Missed that little spot of WP instead of Armor. Must have been totally blind..

Thanks for the tip!

Assur's picture

Second option is correct. But remember that models hit by psychic powers use WP instead of Armour for their saving rolls - and WP is usually significantly lower than Armour Value.

Commented on: Upcoming models?
irish1983's picture

I think Facebook is your best bet. Prodos and their sculptor for AVP put up renders. Not sure how far in advance for some models though.

irish1983's picture


Thats a really good base for adding in detail via washes and even a bit of drybrushing or dry sponge wheatehring. You obviously have decent brush control try looking up some tutorials on doing those googles in more detail. I promise you the results will make you happy.

irish1983's picture

Well, happy day, finally someone did something! I sent a message through their Damaged and Mispacked contact form with a photo of an empty table and they're finally shipping something to me. Would have been nice if customer service had actually did something. But hey, it's something.

On one hand you posted that you are getting a reply and a trackig number for your stuff so that good. On the other damaged and misspackaged is customer service; so they did do somehting to help you.

irish1983's picture

Its probably because all of you that havent got it yet never backed the KS or never updated your pledge management info. IE they cant ship to you unless you did that. Waiting "years" to figure that out makes you look like liars or trolls (or worse). i dont personally know a single KS backer who hasnt gotten their stuff long ago (excpet for the cloaked preds which arent in production yet).

So your assumption is that a bunch of people have just been bad-mouthing Prodos for the past two years for no reason at all? Sure.

For the record, here's a screen grab of the latest backer-only update from Prodos, where they say they're aware that backers are still waiting, and that in some cases Prodos are delaying shipment on anything until the entire order is ready:

Here's a screen grab of my pledge manager. As you can see the address is filled out, as it has been for 2.5 years + :

The pledge manager itself reads 'Awaiting', which I'm given to understand from other backers means it's complete and waiting for Prodos to fulfill. I have yet to receive anything at all, so I assume I'll be waiting until they figure out how to make the Clear preds before I get any of it. (apparently the resin they were planning to use is now banned in the EU for being toxic XD).

Meanwhile the base game has been on retail shelves for around 18 months, Prodos did a firesale on the range last summer at 30-40% off (so less than Kickstarter prices), and Prodos have admitted to sending some backers two lots of pledge rewards, yet sending anything to me is apparently too costly.

Look your assuming "waiting" meaning that the ball is in their court is on you. Im not saying that there isnt a chance you got lost in the shuffle; but literally no one I know in person (even if it was just an aquantance at a shop) does not have their stuff (some of them had to email etc to get it but none of them told me it was hard or that it was time consuming). Posting about it in the forums is like calling up any customer service phone number and just being rude to a recording. Thats wasting your time. I honestly wish you get it figured out.

Commented on: Army Builder Files...
jtisdel's picture

Okay - new release with fixes for Bauhaus, Capitol, and Mishima.

The Bauhaus Doctrine numbers will need a little more noodling to figure out; but I've set it so you can select more than one doctrine.

Corvus, can you send me the updates directly (


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