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Ciern's picture

Quick question abute Vince Diamond and Cybertronic Enhanced Formation

Only formation with Vince are Mirrowman Propaganda Force ( mirrowmen, machinators,scorpion and eradicator are in this force). One of his rules (enhanced) works only on Chasseurs. Why are you giving him a rule that don't go well with army? My proposition are :
- make chasseurs 0-1 troop/support in Mirrowman Propaganda Force
- make Vince Diamond Battlefield Reclamation Squad character

Assur's picture

A few more questions have come up after recent games:

1. Retake the Field mission - when (which turn) can the defender win it? Turn 4 is specified only for the attacker, nothing about the defender. Can both players complete their mission at the same time and get points for it (seems possible in this mission)?

2. Wolfbane Rites - when are they chosen? During army creation? After/before deployment? Can they be chosen or changed later in each control phase or is the Wolbane Player stuck with the ones he began the game with? Contrary to Howls, Rites description seems confusing and needs some clarification.

3. Cybertronic Enhanced Formation - can a single Eradicator be taken as a light vehicle (if available as heavy in the formation) like in the basic list?

4. Hamasaki Taro - does he count himself for Chant of Fujimi?

5. Bushido Master's Master Teacher and Kurzada's Master of Symmetry - do they give access to powers of models that have been already killed, are held in reserve or stalking ones (in other words, models out of play)?

6. Cybertronic's Resistant to Psychic Powers - does the +4WP bonus work against psychic template attack such as grenades (I guess the intention was yes, but reading it RAW one could argue that grenades/shotguns/flamers don't have targets as such)?

Not as many questions as before, but at least the 1st and 2nd are quite important. It would be nice if one of the authors could spare a few minutes to answer them. I'd appreciate if someone could post it on Facebook. They would probably get answered a bit faster there, unfortunately for the questions I don't use FB.

Commented on: 2.0
Sulaco's picture

Has anyone any news on the upgrade cards for Rules 2.0, even a printable PDF set?

Sulaco's picture

Prodos have no excuse for some of the communication problems over the years, or lack thereof. But, it looks like things are turning around a bit now, and people like the very busy Alicja (Alice) being very helpful in getting part/full/eventual adjusted orders off to us.

Hopefully its not too little too late, and KickStarter folks (all of them) are sorted out ASAP and fingers crossed Prodos employ more similar people and turn things around. In the Wargaming/Board Gaming realm, customer relations is key and if Prodos want to try and improve business they clearly have to improve relations - its a symbiotic relationship :)

I hope they do, as this is an excellent product and it would be a shame for them to lose out after coming so far (with the product design) and another business to take over AvP related material.

So come on Prodos, pull your finger out:

- sort out the KickStarters first
- release new cards and material for Rules 2.0
- (if it helps produce a paper/hard back 2.0 set for purchase) but also keep the pdf version - that is a must.
- Get your alternative poses and other miniatures up on the website.

But most importantly, TALK to us. Send more emails out, copy and paste them to the forum (in a specific news area, that is actually refreshed) and turn this around from something that has soured the taste, to something positive moving forward.

Sulaco's picture

Have you managed to sort this, Joe?

Hellebore's picture

Thanks Crazyaido.

I'll keep looking in the main rules for those clarifications.

Commented on: 2.0
Sooty666's picture

Cheers. 'Death Frisbee' I love it.

Commented on: Online Orders
HerrUther's picture

I was reluctant but the Cheyenne is such an awesome model I decided to bite the bullet. I'm considering a letter to Trading Standards as I've paid for good/services and they've accepted payment but not fulfilled on the contract.

I totally agree with you, love the sculpts on AvP but I'm losing patience now; I'd be more amicable if they just bothered to respond in some way!

Commented on: Online Orders
Sulaco's picture

Yes, I ordered a few things, Royal Guard, Queen & Predalien.

All arrived in a week or so, from Poland - which is fine.

Hopefully Prodos are getting back on their feet. Great product, just needs a few more staff to help with orders/communication, before AvP turns into a no-go-zone and Prodos' name is damaged beyond repair.

Come on Prodos, you can do it! :) Contact your KickStarters and people who have orders outstanding. If you help sort them out now, they will probably save relations, if not, you will probably lose their future trade.

Sulaco's picture

Nice to hear 1 good report of good customer care. The vast majority have not been good unfortunately.

I for one, am still waiting for items and find it very difficult to get replies and we have hardly had any communication for weeks/months.

The vast majority of us here love the film franchise, and the vast majority of us are very pleased with the figures and the game generally (though the Rules need work - soon) and we are all in the same boat - We ALL want Prodos to succeed and develop this disaster of customer relations into something much better, so we can all mutually benefit with more figures, options, rule updates (the Wargaming version coming out properly), etc. We WILL invest, but you have to show us some respect as customers, and especially KickStarters.

The sooner Prodos realise this, the sooner people (Customers) will get back on board and put trust back in Prodos, who will then sell more items, and us as Customers will have more great products to bu - beneficial to all. But Prodos, you HAVE to start by talking to your customers, regularly and honestly...


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