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Assur's picture

Thanks for help dunnagh! More games, more questions:

1. Cleard path art power - is the ability to choose vehicle location also considered a bonus (can the affected model choose vehicle location for all his shots)?

2. Morale tests for mixed squads (containing unbeakable and not-unbreakable models) - when do they have to make pinning/break tests, when isn't it necessary? Examples:

- A not-ubreakable Necromutant Leader (or just a Necromutant squad commander) is attached to a squad of unbreakable Undead Legionnaires
- A Heretic squad commander with portal of undeath makes a few lucky kills - as a result wa have a unit consisting of 3 Heretics and 3 Undead Legionnaires
- Unbreakable Feldwebel Richard Meier is attached to a Hussar squad
- Oppresseur advisor in a Chasseur squad (an interesting case of a vehicle in a non-vehicle unit)

3. Does Cybertronic Resistant to Psychic Powers WP bonus work against Dominion art power?

4. Charatcers joining/leaving units in advanced games:
4a: When a character with an allocated tactical/gear card joins a unit - is the entire squad affected by the card?
4b: Whan a charater joins a unit with an allocated tactical/gear card - is the character affected by the card?
4c: When a character leaves a unit with an allocated tactical/gear card - what happens to the card, can it affect both units or just one (which one)?
4d: Can a character with an allocated tactical/gear card join a unit with an allocated tactical/same gear card?

5. Charatcers joining/leaving units and debuffs: what happens when a character leaves a unit affected by a debuff power? Are both still affected or just one (which one)?

6. Can an Attila Exterminateur make more than 6 shots by combining its weapon ability, tactical card and burning a resource (I see no reason to forbid it, but I've seen a different interpretation so just wanted to make sure).

7. Are hits from Attila Exterminateur's weapon on its core resolved before or simultaneously/after making shots (can they kill the Attila before it gets to shoot)? [EDIT: actually I found the answer myself: Juggernaut's Weapon Overcharge specifically says that a similiar roll is made before RS tests, there is no such requirement for the Exterminateur so the self-inflicted hits can be resolved at least simultaneously with all the RS tests]

8. Max Steiner and Creaming Devil have Booby/Gas traps in their equipment list but no rules for them - so do they have them or not? If yes, what rules what are the rules for traps (same as Venusian Rangers/Crimson Devils)?

9. What happens when a template or a rail line hits an open transport carrying some troops? Is everyone hit or should it be randomised in some way?

Assur's picture

The Mule looks great. Looking formward to seeing more of your painted models.

DiStudios's picture

Mule Armoured Carrier Finished


Michał Hartliński's picture

Hello Franktesch1,
could you please send me an e-mail I will look into it. Sometimes mails might get blocked by hosting services, etc.

M1rr0rM4sk's picture

I see. Thank you very much for your help. I ll contact them on facebook then.

Assur's picture

Dunnagh is actually one of the rules authors and he's answered some of my questions in this thread:

So hopefully he'll have a look at the new questions here on the forum and answer them one day.

Otherwise you must go to facebook nad ask there, the authors are active on some facebook groups.

M1rr0rM4sk's picture

You are right about vortex being an ability and therefore there are no rules saying that it can be used through portals. An official answer you be really nice to have. Is there any way to contact them for rules questions?

Assur's picture

I agree that the ranged weapon could relocate a model "through a portal", because of this:

Shots made through the Void Portal suffer RS(-2) and range is measured to and from each Void Portal.

I'm not sure if that was the author's intention (I mean allowing relocation through portals), but RAW it works. At least the opponent can protect his characters by using the 'guarded' rule.

However, no rule allows you to measure the range of any abilities, or B/D psychic powers, through void portals (as it does for ranged attacks). Vortex of Chains, despite counting as a charge action, is still an ability that targets enemy models within a specified range - but you can't measure that range through portals.

M1rr0rM4sk's picture

Yes, indeed. However, the whole effect counts as a charge action for Balkazar and this is the part that confuses me. Enemies are not allowed to go through, but Balkazar is. If you take a look at his ranged weapon a similar problem arises. His ranged weapon can be used through a portal, according to the rules, and if it hits it places the model in base contact with Balkazar, just like vortex of chains.

P.s. the ranged weapon as well as vortex say "relocate the model". It doesn't say "towards/away" (pg 8 of in the rulebook) which is a different thing. The way it is written it seems that vortex can be used because the targeted models are not actually dragged (towards/away) through the portals but relocated near him. So fluffwise you could say that he throws his chains through the portal, touch his enenemes in an unapropriate way and teleport them close to him to continue harassing them :P .


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