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GateKeeper's picture

Not sure if this is common or not but I made a pretty substantial order recently, and received one of these models with the order (No T-shirt, but was so happy about the model that I'm not worried about it). Nabbed two "All In Alien" sets to get my xenomorph army to a comparable size to my other armies (Point wise) along with a hand full of other items. The model is every bit as impressive as the image implies. The model has become my single favorite model among my Predator army.

GateKeeper's picture

Don't have the dropship yet, but I DID order up two of these. They look incredible. Once they arrive, I'd be happy to get some measurements off of them to see if they would fit in the dropships if anyone wanted to get those dimensions? Either way I'll be adding a couple of dropships to my collection eventually.

That said, if they DO fit, then that's pretty awesome both for the optics, and for storage implications.


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